Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The Voice

  • You can have one more piece of cake, it was so good anyway, sometimes you need to treat yourself.
  •  Take it, no one will notice, just put it in your pocket. 
  •  You can always do it....tomorrow, one more day won't hurt. 
  • You should get up and get more exercise you are looking terrible.
  • Did you really just say that?  They don't look happy at all.
Ever hear that little voice in the back of your mind giving you advice, or nudging you in a certain direction?  Whether it's good or an evil little monster, it's always around, confirming what your doing is either a good thing or a bad one. It tries to convince you of  your actions, it tells you lies, it pats you on the back, it tells you if something was fun or if you never want to do it again.

 What is it exactly?  I know it's my mind.  But is it another personality?  I ask this because I argue with myself all the time. "you should do this" it whispers, I say "You should shut the hell up because that is not going to happen."  I honestly wonder if I'm crazy sometimes. (If you wonder if you might be crazy then you are not crazy.)  I also run through a ton of scenarios of how I am going to plan out a job or project in my head, asking that voice if its a good idea or not and we usually come up with an awesome plan.

It has come to the point, that now, my inner voice has become it's own verbal entity, and sometimes I just blurt out something that was never supposed to be spoken aloud.  Is it age related I wonder?  It goes even further than that because I have also started to answer myself out loud as well.  I am well aware of how ridiculous that sounds. I have become one of those crazy people you see in the street talking to themselves.  It's not as bad as I make it out to be and I actually do like having it.

When you are insulted, what does your inner voice say? 
Does it tell you that the person who insulted you is an idiot or that it doesn't bother you at all?
Does it tell you to retaliate or to apologize.

Do you have more than one voice?  I think I have two, the rational logic thinking nice one, and an evil twisted mean spirited one, but don't worry, the nice one almost always wins.

What sort of voice is in your head?
(what? shut up, no I'm done,....yes, ...you have to pee anyway...I know...)
Scott Goerz