My brain does not seem to know that it's body has aged and is ageing. In my mind I think like a 25 year old, I think I can still do back flips on a trampoline, climb trees, and do other high risk activities that my body seems to have real trouble accomplishing.
Why is it that the body and mind disagree with each other? You would think they would be on the page. I still feel the urge to run up the down escalator when I'm in a mall, or to speed more when I'm alone on an open highway.
I think it's about keeping yourself young at heart, and not losing that inner child that lives within us all. If you kill that inner child what do you think you will become? A grumpy old person with no sense of humor and a miserable outlook on life in general.
I think it's important that we do something fun in our lives, even if it's childish in nature. Being able to have a really good heart felt laugh has been proven to be extremely healthy. When is the last time you had one of those? Go do something childish, without worrying about getting your clothes dirty or worrying about what other people might think. Go and jump in a puddle, walk through the mud, anything you see a child doing. We all used to do it at one time or another but as we aged it became less appealing and was frowned upon by our peers.
Yes, your body can't handle the high impact landing, or a fall of any kind, you don't have to do anything dangerous, but your mind knows what is fun and it's constantly giving you options.
I hurt for days if I strain myself too much, sometimes I'm my own worst enemy, but when I'm relaxing with my cold pack on my tired body I have an excellent library of memories that I can look back on and smile from the heart. My old body needs .....
My Young Mind
Scott Goerz