I remember having a hard time in school, I used to think I was stupid and was told constantly that I had done something wrong and it had to be redone and even if I did redo the assignment I still received an F or other low mark. I have grown up now and I think I am fairly clever, and that I have a good handle on life and how everything basically works. I also know that everyone learns a little differently and while one person may be great at a task or project a different person may be terrible at it.
My blog today is about how we raise our children. I do think basic math and language skills should be taught up until about grade five, and at that time parents and teachers should have a fairly good idea at what each child excels at. How about we push them in those areas they excel at so that they get even better. If your child is very artistic push them into everything art related from music to painting to wood carving, if they are great at math and science then push them towards all subject that relate to that. If you like to do whatever it is you are doing then you are naturally going to want to do it more and get better at it.
If we could push the younger generation in the right direction as soon as we see them take an interest in something, by the time they left high school they would be close to being masters at their favorite subjects.
When was the last time any one us had to use a hypotenuse, or look back at our trigonometry notes for an answer to anything? Teaching us useless subjects when some of us have no mind for it is a waste of time, I would have enjoyed computer class over math 30.
If I was pushed in the right direction at the subjects I loved to do, I think I would be a much better version of myself today. (Hard to improve on perfection though.:))
We probably wouldn't have to push because they would naturally do it on their own.
Scott Goerz