Sunday, October 28, 2018

Time Wasted

We all only have a finite time on this planet, time to grow, to learn, to have relationships, to get married, to have a good job, to have children, to see the other parts of the world, to love, to lose, to laugh and to cry.

Which is why I wonder why we make stupid decisions that waste that precious time.  Some people decide to go to university after they finish high school but then, after ten years they have given up and work at a job that has no relevance to the time they spent learning a different skill. That's ten years of wasted time you could have been enhancing your life that would be beneficial instead of detrimental.

Some of us choose a partner that isn't good for us, and we know it but try to make that relationship work anyway. As time chips away and more and more years pass by, we live miserably with that partner each wasting the others precious time, when instead they could be living with someone they both truly appreciate.  The day comes where you both have given up and separate, years gone never to be reclaimed and lost forever.

Then there are some of us that have never been in a relationship because we have been too picky, the narcissistic nature of yourself can't find another person who is your equal, and they have to be absolutely perfect in every aspect. This type of person might have a strong desire to have a family but wastes their time looking for that person that doesn't exist. Time gone. 

As you near to the end of your time on this planet, you look back to see what you have accomplished, and you realize that maybe you could have done things differently, but instead you have barely made it by and are simply surviving.

Or maybe you have made some really good decisions and you are completely content with how your life has turned out, you have very few regrets, and are very pleased that the time you had in life you have used wisely.

In the end it is your time and you can use it however you like, but maybe stop for a second and just think how it is being used and how it might be used better.

Scott Goerz