Having a rational thought pattern and a wee bit of sense could really make all the difference in your world when it comes to scams, people ripping you off, and just plain dumb ideas.
Let's say a bank calls you and said they overcharged you and all they need is your confirmation of account number, your name and address and postal code, to refund you the money. What's wrong with this statement? If you don't know then you probably should stop reading right now and continue on with your very special life.
Here is another great idea if you decide to build a house yourself. A friend mentions that after you have dug out your basement and the concrete is in they suggest you line the whole thing with hay, for insulation purposes, and then put dirt in afterwards. This sounds like a plausible idea, but in reality it's idiotic because any water that is beside your house will immediately drain to the bottom of your foundation no matter how steep of a slope you have. Basement floods anyone? Not only that but now its an excellent home for rodents and other cute little furry animals.
How about that sealer in a can that is supposed to fill holes in your tires after you get a nail? Just spray it in the place where you put the air and start driving, it will find the hole and seal it for you. I have never done this, my common sense tells me this is a really good way to unbalance your tire and to have it professionally fixed afterwards would probably cost more. What if it doesn't fix the leak? Do I keep spraying until it is fixed? I don't know enough about it so I'm not going to do it.
Every once in a while you see a picture with some idiot on a ladder in a tractor bucket trying to cut branches off a tree or to fix a power-line. I love waiting to see an accident about to happen when in involves a clearly bad thought out plan. The guy on the ladder and the guy on the ground in the tractor both thought it was a good idea? Okay, enjoy your stay in the hospital if you survive. Who knows, maybe that was their plan all along and we're the dumb ones for making fun of them.
Everyone out there has got to have a story about someone else's great idea that went horribly wrong, and if any of us would have just stopped to think about what could happen down the road with that idea it would have saved us all a lot of grief. We just need a wee bit of sense.
Scott Goerz