I remember watching Star Trek when I was younger and whenever someone felt ill on the show they would receive an injection from the doctor and be miraculously healed. I always wondered if we would actually get to that point one day.
Here we are in 2018, still using the same methods of healing that we used to from the 1950s. We still use invasive surgery, where we have to cut someone open to remove or fix whatever is wrong on the inside, then using a needle and thread, we sew them back up leaving a nasty scar that could cause more problems in the future.
Does anyone else out there think that this is kind of an archaic technology? Cutting up and digging around the inside of a body, accidentally leaving scalpels and instruments behind to be found by x-ray later?
Sure the medical technology has been getting better, but to me it seems like a very slow crawl forward. When computers first came out they were barely more than a novelty, it seems that every year computers get about four times better than they were the year before. Now we can hold them in our hands and they react to everything in our environment.
It seems to me that hospitals are stuck in the past, and do not advance at the same rate as everything else. If you go into a government building like the court house or passport offices, they usually have new everything, from chairs to computers, windows and lighting. If you have entered a hospital lately, everywhere you look has a yellow aged tinge to it. Especially if it's an older hospital.
I'm hoping for nanotechnology pills that have programmed bacteria that finds diseases and eradicates them, or biological robots that can go inside and repair damage on the cellular level, it would be able to unclog arteries and mend tears from the inside, when it's done its job it sits dormant inside of you waiting for the next instructions or exits your body through the colon.
But maybe I watched too much Star Trek and I'm going to have to live with what we have.
Scott Goerz