Have you ever been out somewhere and the person that you are with doesn't like what you are doing? You could be whistling, shuffling as you walk, walking too slow or fast or not paying attention. Whatever it is doesn't matter but the other person has a problem with it, and now it's your problem.
The problem I have with their problem is that it's their problem not mine and if they have a problem with me then it's up to them to deal with it themselves and not expect me to fix their problem for them.
If you are playing a song and someone else doesn't like it they will tell you to pick a different song. Their problem becomes your problem. If that same person hears a song on the radio, do they call the radio station and tell them to pick a different song? No, they simply change the station or turn the radio off. They deal with their problem themselves.
My wife has a problem with how I text her sometimes. I could be driving and want to keep it short and sweet so as not to be a distraction, but she does not like short and sweet, she wants more and has a problem with those types of texts from me. This is not my problem it's hers, and she needs to deal with it herself. I do try occasionally to send more but I'm not a texting type person to begin with. By the same token, I cannot stand how she uses the computer, she just clicks everything without reading like she's in a hurry or something, but in the end she almost always gets to where she wanted to go. I don't say anything because it's my problem, not hers. I instead try not to watch and let her do her thing, if she wants help she will ask.
The problem with having a problem to begin with is that we all do the same things but we all do them differently and we get annoyed at the way others do the same thing a different way. We get into a routine of the most efficient way we know how to do something ourselves and then get upset when someone does in way we don't know. So we try to correct them and get them to do it our way.
There is an exception to having a problem with the way someone else does things and that's when you are training someone for a job and you have 20 plus years of experience and they have none. You want that person to know the proper procedures and the way the work is done in that type of work you are doing.
Other than that, I think it's best we all just let other people do their thing and we do ours, if they need a hand with something, let them come to you, don't force them to do it the way you do it, keep your problem to yourself and there will be less problems.
Scott Goerz