Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Perks Of Getting Old

There are none!  
Actually there are a few that maybe some of us haven't realized because every thing else about getting old sucks.

You have stuff that matters.
If you have reached your mid thirties you should , by now, have a pretty stable job and life in general, you are probably married, have some kids and a place to live and maybe you have a few vehicles, and a pet or two.

You know who your real friends are now. 
When we are younger we think that we have really good friends, but when it comes to crunch time and you really need some friend support and help, it's amazing how all those "Best" friends you thought you had are nowhere to be found.  As you get older you realize who those "True" friends are because they have been with you through thick and thin.

Dating is way easier. 
If you have become single after finding out that your significant other wasn't so significant,  you may find that dating is simpler now because you have a really good idea of what you are looking for and now it's not just about how someone looks, it's about how someone is. Your awkwardness becomes less and you are a lot more confident as an adult than you were as a kid.

You are wiser.
No, I did not say smart,  being smart is different from being wise and I have met some really dumb, "smart people".  You have experienced life and survived so far, you have been through scams, cheaters, liars, slimy sales people, bankers, lawyers, judges, police, and children. (children are sneaky and they will test your humanity.)  Having been through some tough trials and tribulations in life you are now in a position to give out some really good advice in the areas that you know best, and you also know how to deal with all of those things with better precision if they enter into your life again.

I'm sure there are more but I'm so not happy with getting older at the moment so I think I'll stop here for today.

Scott Goerz