Monday, May 28, 2018

Where Laws Came From

Have you ever driven down the highway driving doing about 120 km and somebody passes you like you were parked?  Have you ever been stopped at a stop sign and someone goes through without stopping or even looking to see if it's safe?  Have you ever seen a pedestrian cross a busy highway with no crosswalk?  How about someone stealing something?

We don't have laws for people that respect and follow the rules put in place by society.  We have laws for people who constantly break laws, disrespect other people and do whatever they like.

If we had an unmarked highway and you could drive as fast as you want, the idiots in the world would come out of the woodwork and drive as fast as their vehicles could take them, eventually killing themselves or others in a horrific accident.  It would ruin it for people that like to drive fast but know their limits and know when to slow down. A law would then be made to force everybody to slow down.

You could probably blame every law or rule ever made on somebody else's stupidity. Drunk drivers are a prime example. When I was young there was no electronic sobriety test, the police stopped you and used their judgement, it was up to them if you went home or to the drunk tank.  Apparently that wasn't good enough, and with the amount of drunk drivers escalating the government had to step up and make a law enforcing it, and that law has been revised over and over and I'm sure it will be again. Why?  Because some people are too stupid to know better.

We had road crossings people didn't stop at, so we put up stop signs, then we put up traffic lights because people don't stop at stop signs, we now have red light cameras because people don't stop at red lights, and now if people abuse that law the fines are going to get higher and higher.

 One day in the future and after a huge fine has been put in place, you will slide through and intersection due to an icy road, and guess what, that camera doesn't care about you, and in the mail you might get a fine for 3000.00 dollars. Sure you could go to court and fight it, but that's a day off work, paying for parking waiting all afternoon in a hot courthouse and even if you don't pay the fine they will get some of your money with their fees for administration.  My point is, people that don't care about anything but themselves and are oblivious of others will be responsible for the huge fine hike and other laws that come out in the future.

I use driving as an example because I can relate to it. I'm sure you know some people out there that could be the root cause of a different type of law,  litterbugs come to mind, smokers, cell phone abusers.... any new law that comes out in the future, think about why it got implemented, what happened that the government decided they needed this law at that time.  Did you do it or did some idiot throw his lit cigarette into a trash can?  Why do the people that follow the rules have to be punished by those that don't?

Scott Goerz