Whenever I am working on a project, at some point I will become frustrated with a tool or the process needed for the task I am preforming, it's then that I start thinking up ways on how the method or the tool could be improved to make the job go smoother.
I often wonder if this occurrence is unique to me or do other people go through the same process. I think that they must, otherwise we all would be still sitting naked in the wilderness never evolving from caveman status.
I still get my job done, using the tools that are causing me so much grief. There is a difference between trying to figure out a better way while still working on the task at hand and being lazy to the point where you are looking for excuses on why you shouldn't finish the job because your tools are inadequate.
I think everyone procrastinates to a point, last year I had to fix my sewer pump, needless to say I was not looking forward to the job, when I finally decided that it had to be done, I did it as quick as I possibly could and missed something that would have saved me a lot of disgusting work. The electrical plug had broken in half and would still give power but intermittently stop probably due to a bad connection, I mistook this as a faulty float switch and pulled up the whole feces infested pump. Not Happy. Should have checked the electrical first.
So my thought process was that if all electrical plugs had a indicator on them letting you know if they had become faulty or not it would probably save a lot of people a lot of grief. Of course I can't build the thing but I still think it would be a good idea.
So? Am I unique in this way of thinking or are most of you just like me?
Leave a comment let me know.
Scott Goerz