You're Grounded! My parents said this phrase to me quite a bit when I was a child. I would be allowed outside but not outside the fence. I could do my normal stuff that I normally did until my grounding was over, the only real punishment was not being able to go out and see my friends for about a week of grounding. I had plenty to do though, I could watch TV, play with my toys, and even have friends over.
After being grounded repeatedly I came to the conclusion that it didn't really matter if I got grounded, and while being grounded I just left the yard whenever I liked and my parents would yell and give me more time on my grounding punishment, which I continuously broke anyway.
Looking back at it I realized that my punishment wasn't harsh enough. It wasn't really much of a punishment at all. If they had put some other rules into it like no TV, no friends, no toys, and I had to stay inside the house, that might have been a real punishment that I wouldn't want to repeat.
I think of how grounding must be these days, with all the computer and cell phone technology. Children basically ground themselves, they stay in their room all day with the door closed watch Netflix, text their friends.
If you want to know if your child has a serious cell phone addiction, take their phone away from them as a punishment. If they they go completely off the deep end with screaming and temper tantrums, you need to moderate the use even after the punishment is over.
I don't even know what kind of punishments are allowed anymore. You can't yell at your kids, you can't spank your kids, and pretty soon the powers that be will say that you are not allowed to take their stuff away either.
My point is, what sort of disciplinary action can parents take so that their children grow up to be benefits to society, and not become mass murderers or leeches on the system.
I ask this because my friends ask me what I think would be a good punishment and I honestly don't know. I do know that you definitely want to teach them a lesson to divert them from bad behavior and by standing your ground and not giving in is how it will be delivered. I just don't what sort of punishment to give.
The Punish-Errr
Scott Goerz