Space is a pretty big place, and we haven't even begun to discover what secrets it holds. The earth will eventually become uninhabitable, and human beings are going to need to explore the universe efficiently if we want to survive.
Right now there is a huge push to save the planet, save the trees, stop the pollution, use electrical power instead of coal and fossil fuels which are killing our planet. For our present course of action I totally agree with this plan, but for our future we might need to use gas and oil on a planet that only gets sunlight on its surface once a week. It might be a good idea to continually advance the internal combustion engine so it runs more efficiently in the future.
The problem with having too much carbon in the air is that carbon traps heat and if we have too much of it our planet will slowly warm up at first and then get warmer faster in the future, the heat will be the death of us. Any heat from the sun will be captured here by the carbon and this isn't going to be hundreds of years in the future this is happening to us right now and in our lifetimes.
We are part of this planet, and it is our natural evolution to keep moving forward and advancing, and that means breaking a few things along the way. If something on this planet gets broken in our quest for more knowledge it's up to us to fix it as well. The same thing will happen if we find a different planet to live on.
I don't think too many people understand the distance these scientists are talking about when they say they have discovered a planet that could humans could live on and it's only 14 million light years away.
Lets break that statement down. The light from that planet took 14 million years of travel before we could even see it with a telescope. Which means that light is 14 million years old and whatever we are seeing is in the past. How habitable will that planet be in 14 million years in the future? If we could travel at the speed of light, it would take us 14 million years to get there. We can't even come close to traveling at light speed so it's going to take even longer.
Obviously this is not something to be excited about, or get our hopes up, unless you look at it as if there is one habitable planet, there must be more of them out there as well.
This planet needs to stop bickering about money and power, and start working together to figure out how to fix what is broken and how to navigate our universe so we can explore and find out new ways to advance civilizations.