Everybody seems to think that if we have an artificial intelligence robot that can think for itself, the human race will become extinct due to the robots seeings us as unnecessary.
I can see how this type of thinking is formed, especially after watching the terminator movies. The problem with this type of movie is, that it is just a movie. It is not based on fact or real life, it is just there for entertainment and the future is not so simple.
But lets say that the new intelligent life in the form of robots do see us as insignificant, what do we do? I say we augment the human race before that happens. We put microchips in our brains to help us access information we need, just like an A.I. robot would. We already have mechanical limbs with actuating fingers that can read the nerve impulse signals from our brain. There is also a computer to brain interface that can read your thoughts. Why not have a chip in your brain that acts like a cell phone and a retinal camera that lets you experience augmented reality just from thinking about it.
If you think these ideas are far fetched think again. This technology exists rights now and could be used on humans within the next ten years. If we had these devices implanted in us, any sort of A.I. robot would see us as equals. This just the tip of the iceberg of the technology advancements in the world today.
There are devices being developed that are not that far off in our future that would allow us to download our conscientiousness (our brain) to a metaverse. (a computer simulation) Where we would leave our bodies and live in that simulation forever, immortal, as anything you would want to be. If you were terminally ill or dying you may want to choose this option. In the future you could upload your brain into a new body, live like that for a while and then return to the metaverse, rinse and repeat. It sounds crazy but it could happen.
If the outside world was made up of mindless worker robots and A.I. robots, you would still be able to influence that world from inside the metaverse, creating new tech, advancements in research, planetary discovery, earth restoration, cloning and whatever else you can dream up.
The scary part is we don't know what we would be at this point, what does it mean to be human? Is it our brains? our bodies? A mixture of the two? A few centuries ago we only used to live into our 20's and now we are well into our 100's and the major factor in that equation has been the discovery of computers.
Life is changing
Scott Goerz