Thursday, May 31, 2018

Getting Gooey Dirty

My vehicle needs an oil change, I can do it myself but I have a problem,  I absolutely hate getting oil and grease on my hands.

I am a worker when I need to work, I have been in mud up to my waist, I have worked in the rain and at minus 47 below zero, I have worked in the sun at 52 degrees above with humidity at 85 percent, and I have done all these things not just for a day but for weeks at a time, I have been in some of the nastiest situations our country has in it.  I am not scared of a little work but I still hate getting anything sticky, gooey, greasy or oily on my bare hands.

Why? Because if I want to scratch my face I can't, if I need to get into my pockets I can't, if I want to use different tools I can't, well.... actually I could if I really wanted to but I don't want to deal with the extra mess afterwards, anything I touch becomes a potential mess spreader, I pick up a wrench and it gets gooey crap all over it from my hand, I put in down on the bench and the bench gets gooey crap, or other tools or whatever it touches.

My mind isn't what it used to be and I am forgetful sometimes, I get so focused on the task at hand that I forget what I was even using until the next time I go to use it.  That's when the trap is sprung and I get a gooey surprise. I like having clean tools, I am particularly anal about making sure they are wiped off for this exact reason, but every once and a while I miss one and the swearing party starts. 

This is also true for the kitchen, I hate getting raw meat blood and guts on my hands for the same reason, plus there is the added worry that I might spread salmonella contamination everywhere, what's really bizarre is every single time I do get some sort of gooey mess on my hands my nose starts itching or some other spot on my face.  It's like my body knows I have become temporarily handicapped and likes to torture me.

I have no problem getting dirty, but getting gooey dirty is another story.
Scott Goerz

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Dirty Deeds

Have you ever had to do something that you weren't looking forward to but you did it because it had to be done?

 One time I lived in a house with a bunch of people, we shared rent and it was a cheap way of living.  On one occasion the toilet backed up, it didn't over flow but the water was at the top, with all the people living there it had to be fixed fast and we were going to have to do it ourselves.

We were all pretty young and none of us had any experience fixing a plugged toilet, there was no internet or "how to" manual and we had to figure it out ourselves.  The plunger wasn't going to work because the water level was to high, so my buddy decided he was going to duct tape a garbage bag to his arm, reach into the toilet and try to unplug the problem by hand.

All of us were extremely grossed out by this idea, but he seemed to think this was a "good plan", he reached deep into the bowels of the toilet, his face hovering dangerously close to the water and started to pick away at whatever horrors were blocking the waterway, after a few seconds he freaked out and tore his arm out of the toilet, splashing water everywhere.  We were all hovering over him to see if he fixed the the problem when this happened and we all got a little bit of toilet water on us.  Apparently he did fix the problem but in the process the bag had ripped and poop water was filling the bag where his hand was.

 All of us freaked out as soon as the toilet water hit us, some of us stood there and screamed, some of us ran to the sink in the kitchen to wash up, some of us laughed hysterically at the anarchy happening all around us. 

The toilet was fixed, none of us died, and we all got cleaned up. We all had a good laugh and a great story was told at parties and to friends and family. 

Sometimes when you have to do something that you don't want to do, invite some friends along to help, who knows maybe it will turn out to be a fun experience and a great memory.

Scott Goerz

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

What Makes You Happy?

I know most of complain about our daily grind of life in general but it all can't be bad can it?  There has to be something you look forward to, or something that makes you happy.

There are a whole bunch of little things that make me happy,  like having a delicious supper ready for me when I get home from a hard day, sleeping on freshly washed sheets, or getting a phone call from a good friend I haven't talked to in a long time, or getting more on my paycheck than I thought I was getting.

Good things that happen to us are enjoyable but what can you do to make yourself happy?  I had to think about this for a while and I realized that I feel pretty good when I am the direct cause for making someone else happy.  Sometimes in the morning when I get my daily dose of caffeine from the local coffee shop drive thru, I pay for the person behind me, mainly because I'm in a generally good mood, and I know it makes their day a little bit brighter, but I also like knowing that I am the direct cause for it.  I know it makes them happy because it makes me happy when it happens to me.

There are things that we do that fool ourselves into thinking we are making ourselves happy but in reality it doesn't.  I like ice cream, but if I eat a whole pail of it, its not going to make me feel happy, if I don't get sick first I know that all that ice cream is not going to do my body any favors and I'm not going to enjoy buying a new pair of jeans three sizes larger than I'm used to, or to look down and wonder why I can't see my toes.

I find that you can't make yourself happy all the time, and the reason for that is, if it happens all the time you start taking it for granted and it no longer becomes enjoyable. That's why having random acts of happiness from outside sources is needed.  I do believe it is possible to be happy everyday, it all depends on how you look at the world, take criticism, and not let the little things bother you and, you have to learn how to laugh at yourself.

I was tightening a rope the other day and the rope snapped causing me to punch myself in the face, I had a pretty good laugh because I almost knocked myself out.  I thought jeez, I sure wouldn't want to fight me, I'm pretty tough.  I used to get mad when this sort of thing happened but lately I find myself laughing more than getting angry.

Go out there and enjoy yourself
Scott Goerz

Monday, May 28, 2018

Where Laws Came From

Have you ever driven down the highway driving doing about 120 km and somebody passes you like you were parked?  Have you ever been stopped at a stop sign and someone goes through without stopping or even looking to see if it's safe?  Have you ever seen a pedestrian cross a busy highway with no crosswalk?  How about someone stealing something?

We don't have laws for people that respect and follow the rules put in place by society.  We have laws for people who constantly break laws, disrespect other people and do whatever they like.

If we had an unmarked highway and you could drive as fast as you want, the idiots in the world would come out of the woodwork and drive as fast as their vehicles could take them, eventually killing themselves or others in a horrific accident.  It would ruin it for people that like to drive fast but know their limits and know when to slow down. A law would then be made to force everybody to slow down.

You could probably blame every law or rule ever made on somebody else's stupidity. Drunk drivers are a prime example. When I was young there was no electronic sobriety test, the police stopped you and used their judgement, it was up to them if you went home or to the drunk tank.  Apparently that wasn't good enough, and with the amount of drunk drivers escalating the government had to step up and make a law enforcing it, and that law has been revised over and over and I'm sure it will be again. Why?  Because some people are too stupid to know better.

We had road crossings people didn't stop at, so we put up stop signs, then we put up traffic lights because people don't stop at stop signs, we now have red light cameras because people don't stop at red lights, and now if people abuse that law the fines are going to get higher and higher.

 One day in the future and after a huge fine has been put in place, you will slide through and intersection due to an icy road, and guess what, that camera doesn't care about you, and in the mail you might get a fine for 3000.00 dollars. Sure you could go to court and fight it, but that's a day off work, paying for parking waiting all afternoon in a hot courthouse and even if you don't pay the fine they will get some of your money with their fees for administration.  My point is, people that don't care about anything but themselves and are oblivious of others will be responsible for the huge fine hike and other laws that come out in the future.

I use driving as an example because I can relate to it. I'm sure you know some people out there that could be the root cause of a different type of law,  litterbugs come to mind, smokers, cell phone abusers.... any new law that comes out in the future, think about why it got implemented, what happened that the government decided they needed this law at that time.  Did you do it or did some idiot throw his lit cigarette into a trash can?  Why do the people that follow the rules have to be punished by those that don't?

Scott Goerz

Sunday, May 27, 2018


There are certain types of excuses I can handle but most of them just make me angry.  When you have a job or activity planned and others have made a commitment to be there, it seems that some people that were part of the plan change their minds at the last second.

I understand that there is unforeseeable circumstances like a death in the family or that maybe someone forgot an important date like a wedding but to use this type of excuse repeatedly over and over again gets old fast.  Coming to me and saying "I forgot" is like saying to me "you are not important enough for me to remember and I don't care." 

Why can't people just be honest at the beginning?  I do not have a problem with someone saying no right when I ask them for help.  Don't commit to something you can't commit to.

Another type of excuse I have a huge issue with is the ones that have maybe, could and might somewhere in the sentences.  These type are commonly used with some sort of safety concern,  I agree with being as safe as possible but using safety as an excuse to get out of work is just plain lazy.  Saying something like " I don't want to pull nails with a hammer because the hammer might break off and hurt me." is complete stupidity. If that's the case then anything you do could might maybe possibly kill you, better not do anything at all ever for fear of dying. 

Another type of excuse I despise is the story excuse, where someone goes into a long drawn out story with peoples first and last names, times, what they were wearing and how they got into the situation. I do not want to listen for 20 minutes while you spout out nonsense about what happened. I would rather you tell me your alarm clock failed. (classic excuse). 

I try really hard not to use excuses,  If I make a commitment to someone I try really hard to honor it.  If I don't want to do something I will say "No I don't want to do that"  I have done many things in the past that I didn't want to do but I did them anyway because I said I would.

Are you an excuse maker?
Scott Goerz

Saturday, May 26, 2018


Why do we have the emotion of jealousy?  Does it have a purpose that helps us?  I remember when I was dating a girl who I was totally infatuated with, in my eyes she had no equal when it came to other girls.  When we went out I would become incredibly jealous if she talked to other guys or hung out with other people when I wasn't around and in the end it was my insecurities that drove us apart.

I was scared that the relationship would end and that I would lose her because I had put her on a pedestal, and instead of enjoying the relationship and appreciating what I had I instead feared every moment when we were in public.

Nobody wants to feel like they are owned, and they will leave you if they feel like you are being too possessive. Jealousy can be a monster if it controls you.  Why do we even have this emotion? It seems to me that it is completely useless and does not enrich our lives at all.

I have had a lot of time since that jealousy infused relationship to reflect upon it. Nobody can stop anybody else from cheating on them, if its going to happen it will happen and you getting upset and being possessive will push that person you care so deeply for, away from you or may even be the cause of their leaving or cheating.

You have to trust the person you are with, after all you chose to be with them, if you don't trust them completely, leave the relationship. It is that simple.  Trusting someone is hard if you have been hurt before, but that is something you have to deal with with, not the person you are with, you have to realize that you are in a different relationship with a different person and things will be different as long as you don't go off the jealousy deep end.  You have to have trust if you want any relationship to last.

Scott Goerz

Friday, May 25, 2018

Winners are Losers

You train for an event, you eat specific foods, workout every day, take vitamins and supplements, you put everything you have into the event after years of training and you lose.

It's true not all of us go through this type of extensive training regime, but the concept remains the same.  If you work hard at something and then go write a test about it and you fail why would bother trying again?  Nobody is the best at everything, and we are all great at something.

Who put the label of winner and loser on tasks we do?  The problem I have with the word winner is that is has no boundary, as does the word loser.  Both words imply a general fact that is non specific. If you say "That guy is a winner." Then you would automatically think that he must be good at everything, and the opposite would be the same for the word loser, where that person would be bad at everything.

Labeling people this way also puts them in a position of ridicule or praise, it separates two equal human beings into categories, which our society can then judge.  I think we need a better categorization method if we must label people.

Right now the world is separated with different continents and races, the United States has this view of themselves as winners, as does Korea, both parties viewing the other as losers.  These are the winners of two powerful countries and might just start world war 3 because they have resorted to playground antics and name calling.  These are supposed to be the people we look up to and admire, but they are the complete opposite. Being the winner of this conflict might make us all losers.

Instead of trying to win, try working together, use both countries resources to make something even better for the entire world. In that way we would all be equals.  If one country loses this battle they may decide to push a button instead and we would all be losers.  Nuclear fallout affects the entire planet not just where the explosion hits.

Somehow we need to generalize people and yet keep their individuality that makes us all unique.  It would make better people and a better world in the long run.

My thought of the day.
Scott Goerz

Thursday, May 24, 2018


I find music fascinating,  It's funny how it can totally transform your day depending on what you are listening to.

When I was younger I only listened to hard rock, I blame some of that fact with the group of people I used to hang around with, who were "headbangers" and if you listened to something else like Cher they would cut you down and basically bully you into not liking it anymore. 

Without that headbanger influence in my life as I got older I started to appreciate a wider assortment of music.  Slow blues and dance having a significant impact on how I viewed music as a whole, and it got even wider with some bluegrass, reggae, pop, and classical.

Being a musician myself, I started to have a mutual respect for any musically inclined group out there even if I didn't care for the type of music.  Those players are musicians too, and they work hard at their craft and have their own audience, you have to respect that fact even if you don't like the music.

It was very hard not to compare myself to other players, I always thought I was never good enough to compete with them, I never had a music lesson, learned how to read music, or knew the names of any chords, but then a thought occurred to me, it's not a competition and I don't have to be as good as someone else, I just have be the best I can be and always try to get better, for myself and not anyone else.  You can apply this thought process to everything in life, not just music.

When I came to that conclusion, it was like a weight had lifted off my shoulders, I didn't know why I feared other musicians and felt self conscience around them. Now I embrace other players, I crave to be around them, for the things I can learn from them and maybe they might learn something from me. I want a certain type of knowledge and for some reason it can't be obtained from reading or watching videos, it can only be obtained from collaboration.

If I had learned this when I was younger I think I would be way further along musically.  Since I've stopped comparing and started enjoying and learning, I have learned scales, chord names and locations, picking and finger placement and a ton of other things I can't remember right now. lol
Music has a way of getting deep into you, finding your soul, and gently caressing it. It can lift you up when you are down, and bring tears to your eyes. It has a way of being able to tug on your emotions that no other type of media can and I am in awe of it's power.  You don't have to be a musician to enjoy it, it naturally flows through everyone.  Now go listen to some music.

Scott Goerz

Wednesday, May 23, 2018


What does it take for you to snap? Who can push your emotions from 0 to 100 in just a few seconds?  I'm pretty calm almost all the time, and I can take insults and jabs at my personality from anyone, those comments just roll off my shoulder.

 One of my sisters commented on my blog from yesterday saying that her kid knows exactly which buttons to push that cause her to lose her mind and and snap in anger.  I have had a few girlfriends in the past that could do that to me,  they knew exactly what to say and how to say it and it forced me out of my calm demeanor and into a fitful rage almost instantly.

I talked about a line that you don't cross with close friends and family in an older blog.  Beyond that line is deeply personal and sentimental emotions that you keep bottled up and hidden from everyone, but someone close to you knows about them.  Those types of emotions are your weakest point in your ability to fend off personal attacks.  If someone you trust uses your weakest spot to attack you, because they want to hurt you, that will cause you to snap.

We have all been there, we get into a fun argument at first, then it starts to turn for the worst and by the end of it you are looking for anything that could hurt the other person.  You bring up something that happened six years ago, or everything bad that has ever happened in your relationship.  I call that "ammo".  All the stuff that was bad that someone else did and you remember it on purpose so that you can use it later as ammunition to shoot at someone else.

I think that sort of relationship where someone is constantly mentally saving ways to hurt you is incredibly unhealthy and you should get out of it while you can.  These types of people have no problem crossing your personal line and using that information as a last resort atomic bomb.

I do think its good to snap every once and a while, when you are completely fed up at a situation that has been going on for way too long and it's impossible to remove yourself from it.  Bottling up your emotions all the time doesn't work and you are going to need to release all that built up tension eventually.  Make sure that when you do release it that it's used on the right circumstance and not on an event that doesn't deserve it.  example: ( someone makes you angry and afterwards you go home and scream at your kids because you are upset from something unrelated to them)

We all have our breaking point but some of us don't know where theirs is...Do you? 

Once you know where it is you can stop it before you....


Scott Goerz

Tuesday, May 22, 2018


There are some weird people out there. What do you think it would take for you to be in a huge crowd of people like a subway train or concert hall and start masturbating?  I would have to have absolutely lost my mind somehow or taken a ludicrous amount of drugs and even then, I don't think I could do it.  Yet some people have lost that thing that stops us from doing the crazy stuff others do.

I wonder if there is a pre-crazy phase that a person would go through first, where they haven't reached that completely uninhibited stage of living. At which point do you graduate to a full fledged insane being?  Nobody starts out insane you would have to become that way somehow.  If you think about it would be kind of nice to be crazy, you would have no fear of, well, anything.

 There is a huge difference between a crazy person and someone who wants attention.  Someone who loves attention will do seemingly crazy acts so as to get noticed.  A crazy person does what they want when they want with no care about what other people think.  Is a psychopath the same thing?  I think a psychopath knows what they are doing but don't care about any ramifications, they plan out what they are going to do. Crazy people do things completely at random without concern or ramification.

If you went fishing without a hook or lure and thought to yourself that you are going to catch a fish and after a hundred failed attempts you kept trying because you still thought that you could catch a fish that way, is the definition of crazy.   Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Where did all these terms for crazy, psychotic, psychopath, insane, madness, come from? Are there really that many people out there that society has come up with numerous labels for all these types of people?  I actually think there are more of them out there than we know about.

I am often confused as why you would stick metal rods through your skin and hang yourself from them, or to tattoo your whole body so that you look like a lizard and then cut your tongue in half so that you really looked the part. I know this is mostly for attention but that attention can't last forever and you are going to be stuck looking like a lizard or having huge holes in your body for the rest of your life. Something has to a little screwed up in these peoples brains.

How about you guys out there? What is some crazy stuff you have seen?

Scott Goerz

Monday, May 21, 2018

Complaining and Praising

It has always seemed easier for me to complain about, well, anything. I can usually find a flaw in just about everything I do, and then verbalize it afterwards.  I have noticed that I am not the only one who does this though.  I thought I was unique in how I could pick something apart but it appears I am not.  Everyone does it and maybe not as as in depth as I do but they still do it.

Why is it easier to complain about things than to praise them?  It seems like its harder to praise and be happy with what we have.  People are not perfect and we all have our flaws, but it seems like we are particularly bad when we are servicing the general public, or we are interacting with large groups of people.  If you order something from a drive through and they forget to put sugar in your coffee, after you drive away you are going to be upset and complain about it.

We all might complain but it is a rarity that anyone ever does anything about it,  but when someone actually takes some initiative and makes a scene the rest of us don't applaud their actions but instead start complaining about them! Even if we agree with the topic they are complaining about.  Have you ever experienced lady in the auto shop, yelling at the guys for not bolting her tires on tightly enough or being in a restaurant and someone is yelling because they have been waiting for over an hour for their food?  We sit there and think " You don't have to treat other people like that, it's mean."  We are somewhat right, it's not just the waitress's fault if the cooks can't keep up, and yelling at them doesn't solve anything.  Instead we should be speaking to the manager and voicing our concerns to them instead.

I truly think that we complain for a reason, it forces us to move forward in life, to not be satisfied with what we have and to strive forward to bigger and better things.  Think about it.  How would anyone get better at their job if it was always good enough, and no one showed them an easier or better way?  Why would we have started driving cars if there was nothing wrong with "Just walking" 

Complaining forces us to reexamine our situation find out exactly whats wrong and fix it.  The only problem is that complaining gets taken too far and becomes a weapon for some people. Somebody has found out that they can save money, and get what they want from complaining all the time.  I do try to praise when I think it's necessary,  and I do think it's necessary to balance the way we talk with with others. If you complain to someone all the time they're just not going to talk to you after a while.  Their complaint will be that "You bring them down."

We are all going to complain anyway so lets at least try to balance it out with some positivity.

That's my thoughts for today.
Scott Goerz

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Smart Shopper

Ever run out of those necessary supplies?  Where do you go to re-supply? The local convenience store?  The department store?  Buying one thing at a time is extremely expensive and even if you think you are saving yourself time, which equals money, you are not.

Sometimes you think that going to a local seven-eleven is the best because it's close and you don't have to drive as much, or going to a Wal-Mart is a pain in the butt because you don't want to stand in line for one little thing.  The amount of money you are costing yourself in the long run adds up quickly for all those one little things which is particularly bad, especially for those of us that don't have much to begin with.

If you have a a plan in place for yourself or your family,  that lets you get all the things you need when you get low on items, you will save yourself so much more money than you realize.

Buying in bulk is always a good idea. When you buy in bulk, it usually cost a lot less than each individual item purchased separately.  Little convenience stores mark up prices a lot so you should really try to avoid buying anything that you need from there.  Plus there are smaller packaged bulk items that you can purchase that are cheaper than having to buy the super large pack that some of us can't afford, but if you can afford it by all means buy the super large pack because it will be cheaper in the long run.

Spending more money just because you have a lot of it is counter productive. The goal in this  life is to make more money, not to spend more of it while you have it.

If you go out to buy something have a look in your house for what else you might need, make a small list and get everything that you need all at the same time, save yourself trips back and forth from the same location because that will save you money as well.  You don't need a fistful of coupons and a bunch of sales to be a.......

Smart Shopper
Scott Goerz

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Plots and Entertainment

The problem with getting older and watching new TV series is that as an older person we have already experienced certain plot lines many times before.  This makes it hard to get into new shows and movies.

When I was growing up my favorite horror science fiction movie was Alien.  It was super scary and unlike anything I have ever seen.  I think the first Friday the thirteenth movie gave me a good scare as well.  These days it's a rarity that I get scared from a movie. I have seen the plot lines before and I can reliably predict the outcome of the movie before it has barely started.

The same holds true for comedies, romance, mysteries, action, just about anything really.  It's not enjoyable to watch anything when you have a pretty good idea of what is going to happen.  In a horror movie you already know when and where the jump scares are going to come from, in a comedy you know when the jokes are coming, we need a new medium to entertain us and new plot lines that have unexpected twists and turns.

Sadly the TV and movie industry does not cater to us older more experienced viewers. It focuses on the younger less experienced viewers which doesn't make all that much sense since it's the older viewers that have the money to go to movies and pay for online rentals and services.

I have been watching foreign movies and shows which have been overdubbed if they are speaking another language and I have to say I have been shocked quite a few times. My favorite all time foreign movie is Kung Fu Hustle, that show was so good when I expected it to be utter crap. I laughed and I was amazed at the way this show presented itself it had a crazy plot and I had no idea of the direction it was going but it ended up being spectacular.

 I watch quite a few anime shows as well and being a person that enjoys drawing superheroes I can really appreciate the art style.  I have also never experienced some of the plot lines so I have no idea whats going to happen. My favorite anime series of all time has got to be Full Metal Alchemist, in this show there are so many twists and turns you never know whats going to happen next, it has incredible art, and a fantastic story that always keeps you on your toes.  There are two version of it and if you are interested you should watch the first version then the second, the second being brotherhood.

What new shows or movies do you guys love or have an interest in, let me know on my Facebook page  :

Scott Goerz

Friday, May 18, 2018

Vet Scare

Last night my little dog Chewie, was sitting on the floor looking up at me with her big brown eyes and so I decided to pick her up like I always do.  When I did she let out a screech and continued crying for a few seconds. 

I was horrified and I tried to see what was wrong but couldn't find anything but she was shaking quite badly.  We went to bed and this morning she did it again. My wife was on night shift and on her way home,  so I called her and said I was going to take the dog to the vet.  She was almost at home and wanted to come with me so I waited.  I tenderly picked up Chewie to get her ready and she yelped again.

It's funny how much you can love an animal that basically eats, poops and sleeps all day.  At this point I'm really starting to get worried, so instead of picking her up by hand I put a blanket on the ground and use it as a sort of hammock.  That seemed to work pretty good and we made our way to the truck.  My wife pulls into the yard parks the car and hops in with me, then she asks "Did you make an appointment?" and I say "No."  she replies "What if they don't take her in?" I say "Oh, they will."  and we leave it at that.  All you parents out there can understand my mentality at this point.  Whether you have kids or pets, they are all our babies no matter how old they get. 

We get to the vet and Chewie is in seventh heaven from all the lovin my wife was giving her on the way.  I go inside and tell the clinic my very sad story and they get me right in. (awesome)  I go get the dog and the wife and head inside (They were waiting in the truck )  We have a little room where we waited for the veterinarian, while we are waiting I put Chewie on the ground to see how she is doing and she starts sniffing the floor and walking around sniffing things without a care in the world.  I'm looking at her like she is going to make me look like a deranged dog loving worrywart that panics at every sneeze and boo boo and rushes into the vet as if it's an emergency.  So, I go over where she is and pick her up and set her on my lap to wait on my lap while we wait for the vet.  No yelping, no crying, she just looks up at me with those big brown eyes and the smile on her face.  

The vet enters the room and I feel like an idiot that has to pass a test he never studied for.  The vet is a woman and she starts asking me a whole series of questions, then asks me to put the dog on the table, so I grab the blanket to lift her, (y'know for visual effect) and of course the dog seems perfectly fine while I do it.  The veterinarian pokes and prods, bends and pulls my dog all over and still nothing, no squeaks, no nothing. At this point I tell the vet that my dog is going to make a liar out of me and she laughs and says it's ok because I'm not the first person this has happened to.  Check-up over, and two hundred dollars later, (we did x-rays too) I go outside and put Chewie on the ground and she yelps when I put her down, I look around and of course nobody else is around to hear it.  My wife comes out from clinic and we head home.

I know she needed to go to the vet and if it happened again I would take her in an instant but it would be nice for someone else to see what I saw and to know my fears were real. 

Chewie's prognosis: Most likely back pain a swollen disk in the back that gets pinched when her back bends, usually when picking her up or putting her down. Pain killers and anti inflammatory medication used once a day for two days, limit movement for at least a week.

Scott Goerz

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Malls and People Rant

I sometimes enjoy going to the mall, but I do not ever go on a weekend, there is too many people and parking is a pain.  It seems to me that the handicapped parking at a particularly large mall seems kind of redundant.

  If you have a hard time moving around and you need to be parked as close to the doors as possible what do you think is going to happen once you get inside the mall?  More walking!  If you have a hard time just making it to the doors you are definitely not going to enjoy yourself once you get inside.

Have you ever noticed that when you do enter a particularly busy mall that people walk like they drive?  You could be walking along at a nice pace when suddenly the group in front of you just stop for no reason, and if you were chatting or not paying attention in some way you would run into them.  Sometimes a person will cut across your path oblivious that you were even there.

 Have you ever been hit by someone and they just keep walking?  They come up from behind, towards or across your path, bump into you, and without an apology or anything they just keep going.  I think that from now on we should all verbalize and confront these ignorant types of people, otherwise it's going to happen more and more. 

Another huge pet peeve of mine is when you are waiting in line somewhere that is fairly common, like a McDonalds or a Tim Hortons, the line is pretty long and you wait patiently for your turn, the person in front of you gets to the counter and has no idea what they are ordering and now they sit and hum and haw about what they are going to get. You have been standing in line for 20 damn minutes buddy!!! You wait until you're ready to order before you make your decision?  Forcing the rest of us to wait even longer?  Ignorant!  What's even worse than that is it's the same scenario but this time it's a woman with four 3 year old children, and she has decided that they can choose for themselves and asks them what they would like when they get to the counter.  The children have a 5 second attention span and would rather look at the toys than make a decision, the mother gets angry and says "hurry up there are people waiting"  she knows that she is being inconvenient but continues to do it anyway.  Like that matters to a 3 year old!  Order for them and get out of the way before the rest of us lose our minds.  

I can see trying to teach your kids something but there is a time and a place and an incredibly busy store is never the time or place. 

There really seems to be a gap between the types of people, where you have the courteous and kind type that are always thinking if they are in the way or being too slow, they apologize if they bump into you and then there are the type of people that take advantage of them and are the complete opposite.  What sort of upbringing would cause that sort of selfish mentality? 

While it is a good thing to be nice and courteous, there is such thing as being too nice.  You can't let other people take advantage of your nice temperament, it's where you are always the one backing down and saying sorry.  You do have to stand up for yourself sometimes especially if you know the other person is in the wrong.  You cannot fear conflict, if you do you will have an extremely hard time moving forward in life.

Scott Goerz

Wednesday, May 16, 2018


Are you a devout christian?  Do you follow the word of the bible?  Do you believe in a higher power?  Good for you if you do, and good for you if you don't.

Whatever your preference is on religion is of no consequence to me.  I believe that you can follow whatever it is that tickles your fancy.  I do not however, like it when it is pushed into my face.

If you believe in something so passionately that you will aggressively try to get people to follow your beliefs then I think it has gone to far.  If your belief makes you a better person then that is great and others might be inspired to follow you after seeing how happy you are.

My first and foremost problem with religion is that they all have an underlying basis of fear tied to them, if you don't do these certain things you will not be allowed into heaven, or Jannah or paradise or whatever.  If you go against the word of whichever god or deity you will be sent down to hell, samsara, the bordo, whatever.

I think that if you follow a religion only because you have a fear of not being accepted into heaven or being sent to hell then you are following these religions for the wrong reasons.  If I were told by a religious group that by strapping on a vest filled with C4 and then running into a crowd of people (even if they were bad people) that I would be welcomed into that gods kingdom with open arms.  I would say that is not the god I want to follow and not the kingdom in which I want to stay.

Of course I don't believe that is in any bible, Quran, or any other biblical publication.  Somebody twisted the narrative in these books so that they could influence others to do their nefarious deeds for them.  This has been happening throughout history since man learned to read and write.  Using religion as a weapon is as old as the religion itself.

Another issue I have is with the current publications out there, I am sure they are incorrect because all of them have been rewritten numerous times over the centuries.  The first person that decided to write stories about these men revered as gods probably didn't spell some words right and embellished their stories a bit, as more and more people started following these books someone decided to rewrite it so it was easier to read and in the process lost some of the translation.  The Romans rewrote the bible so that it catered to their needs, such as sodomizing children, so it was acceptable in their society.  Who knows what else they changed and what got removed. After that era it got rewrote again, and has been rewritten over and over to this day.

I like the idea of being good to your fellow man and woman, teaching morals, and showing us all how to be the best person we can be.  Religion has a way of being abused and misused and should be written in a way that is impossible for misinterpretation, that way no one can turn it into a weapon. Then again, something might be lost in the translation.

I am not a believer in the almighty, but if I were I would say that he gave you life, and in that life he gave you your own choices to make, your own path to follow, how you live it is up to you, everything we need in this world is right at our fingertips, and its up to us to figure out how to use them.  Once you have been given life, that is all you will be given, no amount of praying or worshiping will be answered.  It's your life, you have to figure out your own problems.

This article is based solely on my opinion.

Scott Goerz

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

We Rule

Have you ever seen the movie 2012?  The movie is about the end of the world and it slowly gets destroyed throughout the movie. The Chinese government builds 3 arks, or giant submersible ships to hold only those that can afford entry, mainly the rich and powerful.

As I watched this movie I thought to myself, who is going to do all the grunt work after the world is safe again?  All these rich and powerful fat cats that paid their billion dollar entry fee probably haven't ever cleaned a toilet.

We the people, the middle and lower class people are what make this planet move forward. We  follow the regime, listen to our governments, vote for our politicians and for the most part follow the rules set by society.  We pay our taxes and do the all the work that keeps this country moving forward.

Do you think the pyramids would have have gotten built if Egypt had no workers?  If all the slaves decided they were not going to do it any more and banded together the only thing you would see in Egypt is sand dunes.  The same holds true for all of us, we are not slaves (Well most of us) and we get paid for the work we do. If we decided that we have had enough of taxes and not being paid what we're worth, the powers that rule us wouldn't stand a chance.

Being rich and famous has no weight if we suddenly had to go to mars. The rich and famous would probably be more of a hindrance than a help.  I have heard people say that if a cure for cancer was found only the rich and powerful would get it.  That statement makes no sense knowing that the rich and powerful are only rich and powerful because of the people working underneath them, and to give yourself a cure and watch everyone else die would be just like shooting yourself in the face.  Without us they are nothing.

It's true having money makes life easier, but without the people that you pay for with that money,  it is completely useless. 

If you were ever worried that someday the government would build giant spaceships and fly off into the unexplored universe and leave us all behind you can rest easy because they need us.  They think they are the ones who rule?  No.....

We Rule.
Scott Goerz

Monday, May 14, 2018

Truth, Honest Truth

Why is it that in order to spare someone's feelings we have to lie directly to their face?  Wouldn't the truth be better?  Is everybody so fragile that they cannot handle honesty?

I have traveled overseas a few times and while I enjoyed myself there was one aspect that used to really bother me.  Merchants.  The merchants in these countries are relentless and they prey on a tourists lies. 

You could be walking in a town somewhere and the merchants call and nag you to come into their store, and when you do, they follow you you throughout the store and ask you over and over if you like something, and to be nice we all lie and say yes everything looks good. That's when they really come after you to buy it.  If you refuse they get get a confused look on their faces and appear as if you have hurt their feelings. When you leave the store you feel bad for them.

This used to happen to me any time I went to a town when I traveled, except for my last trip where I finally found a fix for it.

There were these huts all crammed along the beach in Jamaica and my wife really wanted to see what they were selling. The first time we went there the store owners were exactly like they have been anywhere else we have been, pushy and they want your money.  When we finally left the area I was dreading going back. Having to say "No thank you" a hundred times gets really hard after while but my wife did like a few things so you can guess that we were going to make our way back there eventually.

Something changed in me instantly when we did go back, the merchants would ask " do you like?" and instead of saying yes, I was honest and said "No, not really" (which felt really good) and they would look at me a bit confused, probably because no one ever said this to them before and ask "Why don't you like?"  and I said  "It's ugly"  (which was 100 percent true as well)  and can you guess what happened next?  They left me alone!  I could look at stuff in peace and buy something if I actually liked it!  I wish I had thought of this years ago!

When your girlfriend or wife asks, "Does this make me look fat?" You have to understand that your girlfriend/wife likes to be complemented by you, she wants to know that you still find her attractive.  She wants to catch you off guard and and get an honest reaction from you.

I would prefer if  they just came out and asked me if I still found them attractive, but its kind of like they already know you are going to say yes so they try different ways to ask you.

I was on a dating website a few years ago and It would have been a lot easier if the women on there were honest with me,  if they had said " I am interested in you and ten other guys and I'm seeing which one I like best."  Isn't that what everyone on there is doing?  I can respect honesty, even if I don't agree with it.  They usually lie though " Oh no sweetie I am only interested in you. "  Then they disappear for a week online and suddenly start talking to you as if a day hasn't gone by, lies, but I'm sure guys do the same thing.

If we were honest all the time and didn't tell all these little white lies and play the silly games that we play this whole planet would be a better place. 

Do I look fat?
No, but we both could stand to lose a few pounds, or yes you do, what would you like to do about it, or I'm just going to eat more so we look the same.
Lets be very clear about truths, if you are angry, upset or sad, drunk, or want to intentionally hurt someone because they hurt you.  These are lies.

If everyone just started to be a little more honest with themselves and other people I think you would really see a positive change in your life.  Figure out a way to express your feelings honestly without hurting someone else.  Truth hurts, yes, but only because most of us aren't used to hearing it.  If no one has ever been upfront and straight with you, how would you ever know that your life could be any better.

Scott Goerz

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Karma or Shit Happens

I keep hearing people comment on other peoples actions, with a "Oh Karma will get them".  I think Karma is utterly ridiculous. It has absolutely no basis of fact tied to it yet people seem to think it has real ramifications on our lives.

We have all heard stories about how one person does something bad to another and later slams his hand in a car door or something equally painful. You will hear someone say "That's Karma"
The same thing could be said about someone who saves a bird from being killed and later on wins some money in the lottery. Is that Karma?  I don't think so. 

If Karma actually existed the world would fear and embrace it. It would be a known force and anybody that did anything bad would do so at their own peril.  There would be Karma churches, and the Karma god.

I actually thought that Karma might be a real thing at one point of my life. When I was younger, I was not the best kind of person out there, I used to litter without a care in the world. Something changed in me at some point and I didn't want to litter anymore, I was sick of seeing the highways and towns looking so dirty. At that point in my life I still littered occasionally but I was trying hard to curb that habit and I wasn't doing it as much.

  My truck needed a new windshield so I drove into town and got a new one. When it was finished I got myself some food and started to drive home. I finished my food and decided to have a smoke (cause I'm a smoker) I opened a new pack and rolled open the window to toss the garbage out but stopped myself at the last second and did not litter but put my garbage in the door and started to roll up the window and I thought I had just done a really good thing and Karma would reward me.  At that exact moment a truck passed me and a huge rock spider-webbed my brand new windshield.  I was pissed!  I rolled down my window, tossed out my cigarette garbage and my food bag with everything in it, then I looked around to see if I had any more garbage to toss out.

I am currently a non littering person and don't do it anymore I actually pick up garbage now if I see someone has missed the garbage can.  I also do not believe in Karma either.

Here is the real problem with Karma, who's side does it take?  There is more than one version of right and wrong in this world.  Hitler and all his followers thought they were doing the right thing.  The Monguls, that invaded half the world thought they were doing the right thing.  You might see a baby fox on the side of the road and decide to take it home, thinking you are doing the right thing but it dies later because it doesn't have its mother.  Our version of what's right and wrong greatly differs from other people's version and other countries.

It's nice to think that bad people are going to get what's coming to them, but that is sadly just not the case, bad things happen to good people all the time, why is there no magical force that is given a name for that?

Shit happens, that is the magical name.  Sometimes shitty things just happen, there is no Karma or divine force at work here, you might get a flat tire, win 2 dollars on a scratch and win, get hit by another driver, step on a nail, bust a tooth, find that thing you been looking for forever, get a complement from a stranger.  Good shit and bad shit just happens. You'll see a really good person get a heart attack and die, while another miserable person who smokes ten packs a day live till they are one hundred and ten.  A murderer gets a mistrial, an innocent man gets life and every once and a while someone will give you the finger while driving and drive themselves into a light pole.

What do you think? Is it....

Karma or Shit Happens
Scott Goerz

Saturday, May 12, 2018

A Series Of Questions

  • Why is it that I can sit and play on my cell phone for as long as I like, but when it's my bathroom time, within about five minutes my feet start to become numb?  I can sit in a car for three hours straight and watch videos, read articles, and play games, but as soon as I sit on a toilet, it's a get in get out scenario.  Why can't I sit on the toilet and use my cell phone for very long?
  • Why is it that the workers at a Tim Hortons can't figure out how to cut a sandwich?  Every time, and I mean every single time, the bottom of my bagel, sandwich, or anything that is made of bread, is not cut at the bottom, forcing me to try to rip the bread but when I do the sandwich falls apart.  Why can't you cut all the way through?
  • When someone decides they need to tell you a story, they proceed to drop full first and last names of people in the story even if you have no idea who they are.  Then, when they get to a name they can't remember they sit and pause and have to think about it for what seems like forever.  Why can't you just keep the story simple?
  •  When you have to wait in line for something and there is lots of room but the person behind you is so close you can feel their breath on your neck, what is the need to stand so damn close? 
  • You buy a frying pan and some idiot has stuck non peel stickers to the inside of the pot, or pan and on the bottom as well, these sticker do not come off easily and they might as well sell goo gone and razor blades with it.  Why do you have to use those terrible stickers?
  • When you buy something encased in a sealed plastic container. I bought some scissors the other day but the packaging was so completely sealed that it was next to impossible to open, it sure would have been easier if I had some scissors I could have used.  Why do they make impossible to open sealed plastic packages like that?
  •  When you are out in public and somebody is talking very loudly in another language on their cell phone.  Go sit in your car or go outside for crying out loud.  Is there a reason you have to be yelling into the thing?  
  • Why is it that my body has absolutely no problem growing hair anywhere on my body except on the top of my head?  I have hair growing in places I never used to have grow and it is seriously annoying.  Why can't we either grow or not grow hair?
  • You drop something between the car seat and center console of your vehicle. There is no getting it back without stopping your vehicle, moving the seat back or forward and using a flashlight. Why can't this be designed so that this sort of thing doesn't happen?
  •  You go after that thing you dropped in between the car seat and console and your hand gets trapped there. There is a spot where your hand will find a small cavity and become stuck there.  Pulling it out causes severe pain but sometimes you can slide it toward the front or back without the painful extraction.  Same question as above. 
  • Getting updates that stop you from doing what you want to do. My computer just decides it needs to shut down occasionally,  when it boots back up it takes a long time to install updates. My phone also does it.  After it's done it has changes some features I didn't ask for and I have to relearn how to use my electronic device. Why can't this just happen without my knowledge and not change anything?

Scott Goerz

Friday, May 11, 2018

My Working Brain

Whenever I am working on a project, at some point I will become frustrated with a tool or the process needed for the task I am preforming, it's then that I start thinking up ways on how the method or the tool could be improved to make the job go smoother.

I often wonder if this occurrence is unique to me or do other people go through the same process.  I think that they must, otherwise we all would be still sitting naked in the wilderness never evolving from caveman status.

I still get my job done, using the tools that are causing me so much grief.  There is a difference between trying to figure out a better way while still working on the task at hand and being lazy to the point where you are looking for excuses on why you shouldn't finish the job because your tools are inadequate.

I think everyone procrastinates to a point, last year I had to fix my sewer pump, needless to say I was not looking forward to the job, when I finally decided that it had to be done, I did it as quick as I possibly could and missed something that would have saved me a lot of disgusting work. The electrical plug had broken in half and would still give power but intermittently stop probably due to a bad connection, I mistook this as a faulty float switch and pulled up the whole feces infested pump. Not Happy. Should have checked the electrical first.

So my thought process was that if all electrical plugs had a indicator on them letting you know if they had become faulty or not it would probably save a lot of people a lot of grief.  Of course I can't build the thing but I still think it would be a good idea.

So? Am I unique in this way of thinking or are most of you just like me?
Leave a comment let me know.

Scott Goerz


Thursday, May 10, 2018

The world's Future

Space is a pretty big place, and we haven't even begun to discover what secrets it holds.  The earth will eventually become uninhabitable, and human beings are going to need to explore the universe efficiently if we want to survive.

Right now there is a huge push to save the planet, save the trees, stop the pollution, use electrical power instead of coal and fossil fuels which are killing our planet.  For our present course of action I totally agree with this plan, but for our future we might need to use gas and oil on a planet that only gets sunlight on its surface once a week. It might be a good idea to continually advance the internal combustion engine so it runs more efficiently in the future.

The problem with having too much carbon in the air is that carbon traps heat and if we have too much of it our planet will slowly warm up at first and then get warmer faster in the future, the heat will be the death of us.  Any heat from the sun will be captured here by the carbon and this isn't going to be hundreds of years in the future this is happening to us right now and in our lifetimes. 

We are part of this planet, and it is our natural evolution to keep moving forward and advancing, and that means breaking a few things along the way.  If something on this planet gets broken in our quest for more knowledge it's up to us to fix it as well.  The same thing will happen if we find a different planet to live on.

I don't think too many people understand the distance these scientists are talking about when they say they have discovered a planet that could humans could live on and it's only 14 million light years away. 

Lets break that statement down.  The light from that planet took 14 million years of travel before we could even see it with a telescope.  Which means that light is 14 million years old and whatever we are seeing is in the past.  How habitable will that planet be in 14 million years in the future?  If we could travel at the speed of light, it would take us 14 million years to get there.  We can't even come close to traveling at light speed so it's going to take even longer.

Obviously this is not something to be excited about, or get our hopes up, unless you look at it as if there is one habitable planet, there must be more of them out there as well.

This planet needs to stop bickering about money and power, and start working together to figure out how to fix what is broken and how to navigate our universe so we can explore and find out new ways to advance civilizations.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Technologically Obsolete

I have this ongoing fear of being technologically stupid.  Don't get me wrong I love everything technology and future tech related.  Age is a huge factor that compounds my fear.  As we get older and technology gets more and more advanced I feel like I'm being left in the dust, I don't have enough time to learn the old before the new comes in.

All these cell phones coming out, every year, all with new upgrades, bells and whistles. Financially its hard to keep up, but not only that, there is nothing wrong with my current phone for me to warrant an upgrade.  My fear now is, that when I do upgrade I'm going to have to relearn how to use it. 

I'm finally comfortable with the old model phone I own, I know how to use it, I know how long the battery lasts, what its capable of, how to turn certain features on and off.  The same thing is true with my desktop computer, I know what I'm doing on it and I'm still constantly learning new techniques and program tweaks.

Then I look at my father, who would rather have a rotary phone, a car with a carburetor, and a world without internet.  He looks at a tablet and has no clue how to even turn it on, let alone use it, to him it's a completely alien device with an alien language that he has absolutely no need for.  I do not want to end up like that, but it's coming, I can sense it.

Currently I force myself to keep myself updated with the newest technology but it's a much slower process than it was in my youth, and I think it's because when you are younger you aren't stuck on what you have already learned and the old doesn't conflict with the new.  You are a clean slate when you are young and it's easier to paint on a clean canvas than dirty one.

I am currently in the process of learning a program called unity, where you learn to create games. I think I spent 2 hours on it and learned almost nothing.  I am afraid to go back in because its a lot for my brain to take.  I will when I have a lot of time to spare.

So my advice to those of you out there that don't even realize that becoming technologically stupid is a thing that could happen to us all.  Try the new things, toys, phones, and don't give up right away, take some time to know just a few things, you don't have to be a professional.
Don't be.....

Technologically Obsolete
Scott Goerz

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Appreciation Day

Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife, lover/friend who goes out of their way to make you happy?

Being good to your significant other is easy when you are happy with them.  But is it a one way street?  Some couples play a certain roles as they grow together, one person goes out to make the money and the other person manages the finances and maintains the household.  Realizing that each job the other person has is just as important as the one you do is key to a happy lifestyle. 

Some people might think that their job is more important than their spouse's and act like they are owed something or should be catered to.  They expect that they should be pampered and treated like royalty when they are not working. 

The worst type of job you can have is the one where it never stops, it is a 24 hr 7 days a week job in which you never get paid and get no recognition for your efforts. This is the stay at home mom/dad job. Mow the lawn, wash the clothes, clean the house, make supper, care for the kids, deal with schools, do finance, get groceries, as well as taking care of your significant other. 

Both people in a relationship can work but some people think their job is more important and it can turn into resentment or an argument.  On the other hand you can have one person who works while the other person takes them completely for granted, and they do nothing all day but laze around.  When the worker gets home they end up doing everything that needs to be done. That sort of action can be fatal to a relationship.

Showing your appreciation for someone else does not have to be a grand gesture, it doesn't need to be hot air balloons and a bed of roses.  It can be as simple as making their favorite meal, or doing something that they normally do so they don't have to do it.  When's the last time you gave your special someone a hug or kiss for no reason?  When's the last time you told them how much you appreciate all the things they have done and still do for you?

  My wife made me a sandwich and brought me a beer while I was playing a video game while she cleaned the house. She brought it to me and turned and left to finish what she was doing.  I was almost in tears with that action.  It showed such a level of compassion and love that I stopped what I was doing and went up to help her. (After my sandwich of course.)  And it felt really good to help her,  it wasn't a chore, it was me knowing I was taking some of the load off her shoulders so she could enjoy herself sooner, which made me happy.  We are constantly doing things to make the other person happy.  Tiny little actions that help out each other.

 Yes there are times where we take each other for granted, everyone does, but it never goes on long enough to be a problem.  We generally enjoy making the other person happy, as should every couple.

We all have to remember that we are not slaves to someone else, we are with that other person for a reason, if it's for all the wrong reasons get out and be with someone for the right reasons.  Those reasons are up to you to decide.  One individual in a relationship cannot think they are better or more important than the other person.  Once you are in a relationship where you are equals, you can then really appreciate each other.

Scott Goerz

Monday, May 7, 2018

Young Decisions

Why is it that a 13 year old has to decide their sexual orientation?  It seems the far from simple choice of straight or gay has been amplified somehow and now we have transgendered, bisexual, heterosexual, pansexual, wait, wait, wait... these are children.

I would like to think that most children should be deciding how they want to look, and what sort of music they listen to, what's the most interesting app on their phone.  They should be worrying about their grades, friendships, bullies, and all the other drama that comes with being an early teenager.

Deciding what your sexual preference is at that age seems to be way too early of a decision, you don't even know who you are and how the world works yet.  Sex is a complicated subject that should be left for a much older crowd.  A preteen doesn't even  know anything about it, even if they are looking at porn on the internet, and reading on how to do it.  I can look at how to build a quantum computer on the net but if someone actually gave me all the pieces I wouldn't have a clue. 

When I hear that a 14 year old girl has decided to tell me that she is bi-sexual she should also tell me that she is in love and wants to get married.  Both of those statements seem preposterous to me.  Last year you wanted a barbie doll house for your birthday and this year you are bisexual and want to get married?  That's a pretty huge gap between those two subjects.  How about you get your learners license first, then your drivers and we'll go from there.

The internet is partly to blame for this but you can't blame information, because that's all it is.  It would be like blaming your chair for your broken leg. It's inanimate, not living, and cannot influence your decisions.

The blame for this should be on our teachers, and on ourselves, for not explaining that the internet is full of opinions, some people agree with them and some don't.  Knowing the difference between fact and opinion is a huge step in knowing how to understand yourself.  Cancer is a fact, treating it with bees wax and windex is not. 

I think children should be children for as long as they possibly can be.  The human race is at a point where people are starting to live to 100 years old. 20 years is a minuscule amount of time for you to be a kid, you'll have 80 more years to figure out everything life has to offer.  Take your time, enjoy the simple things, adulthood comes before you even know it.

Young Decisions
Scott Goerz

Sunday, May 6, 2018

F**king Pimples

All theses diseases in the world, and companies working on cures, funding from their prospective governments, grants, fundraisers, awareness campaigns.  Do you know what isn't being worked on yet everybody on the planet has a problem with?   Fucking Pimples!

It's a world epidemic that has been around since the dawn of time, it has ruined many a first date, job interview, family photographs, segregated children at school, has made people unapproachable, turned the attractive unattractive and made the ugly even uglier.

You get them on your face, your arms, your back, your chest, your groin, your ass cheeks, your legs pretty much everywhere and they they can start small but turn into enormous puss filled mini tumors that leak blood and make you look like something from a horror movie.

There is no cure for this problem but why the fuck not?  Oh sure you can scrub the shit out of your face and apply ointments and creams, stick your head over a boiling pot of water which I'm sure is really good for your skin.  Use home remedies like toothpaste, or wet bread, apple cider vinegar, baking soda or powder, flour, yeast,  hell, how about I just bake a fucking cake on my face once a day and maybe that will help.

Then there are different varieties to the miserable little fucker.  Someone will say, "Oh it's not a pimple, it's an ingrown hair."  My response to that is, "Well it looks the same, starts off as a little red bump then starts to get bigger, eventually getting a large white head on it and blows up when you pinch it."  How is this any different than a pimple?  It has a hair in it, big fucking whoop dee doo, so it's same but different.  How about we fix this little shit of a problem once and for all and not worry about the the different types, let's eradicate all the types.

Do you not think everyone in the world would go out and get this cure?  It would make everybody's quality of life just a little bit better.  Maybe they don't make a cure because of all the money it makes on temporary fixes and makeups.

 So to all you companies out there that are exploiting our misery just so you can make a buck, I hope all you mutherfuckers get a giant pimple that grows on the inside of your nostril and every time you breathe in a little bit of puss gets sucked into your lungs and eventually you get sick and die from it, while in excruciating pain from your nostril zit.  Maybe then someone will make a cure.

Fucking Pimples
Scott Goerz

Saturday, May 5, 2018

The Punish-Errr

You're Grounded!  My parents said this phrase to me quite a bit when I was a child.  I would be allowed outside but not outside the fence.  I could do my normal stuff that I normally did until my grounding was over, the only real punishment was not being able to go out and see my friends for about a week of grounding.  I had plenty to do though, I could watch TV, play with my toys, and even have friends over. 

After being grounded repeatedly I came to the conclusion that it didn't really matter if I got grounded, and while being grounded I just left the yard whenever I liked and my parents would yell and give me more time on my grounding punishment, which I continuously broke anyway.

Looking back at it I realized that my punishment wasn't harsh enough.  It wasn't really much of a punishment at all.  If they had put some other rules into it like no TV, no friends, no toys, and I had to stay inside the house, that might have been a real punishment that I wouldn't want to repeat.

I think of how grounding must be these days, with all the computer and cell phone technology.  Children basically ground themselves, they stay in their room all day with the door closed watch Netflix, text their friends.

If you want to know if your child has a serious cell phone addiction, take their phone away from them as a punishment.  If they they go completely off the deep end with screaming and temper tantrums, you need to moderate the use even after the punishment is over.

I don't even know what kind of punishments are allowed anymore.  You can't yell at your kids, you can't spank your kids, and pretty soon the powers that be will say that you are not allowed to take their stuff away either.

My point is, what sort of disciplinary action can parents take so that their children grow up to be benefits to society, and not become mass murderers or leeches on the system.

I ask this because my friends ask me what I think would be a good punishment and I honestly don't know.  I do know that you definitely want to teach them a lesson to divert them from bad behavior and by standing your ground and not giving in is how it will be delivered. I just don't what sort of punishment to give.

The Punish-Errr
Scott Goerz

Friday, May 4, 2018

Burning Bridges

The term burning bridges, sounds easy to understand yet it seems so many people don't get it or just don't care.  So what does burning a bridge mean?  It means that after you have lied and have been caught in the lie you have lost the trust you once had.  It means that after you have taken advantage of someone's generosity and good intentions you do nothing to show your appreciation and always expect more. 

Burning bridges is a metaphor. It means to destroy the possibility of communicating with others or returning to a previous position.  This could apply to a job you hate, and when you quit you tell everyone there that they are assholes, you make a big scene and you leave the building or you decide that you are not going to call in or show up for your shift and completely stop going altogether, without letting anyone know.  Later on you find a job you would love but they want references form past jobs.  You have "Burnt that bridge" from your last job and now you have no references. 

I have ended a lot of friendships with people because of their selfish nature.  I give a lot of my time to my friends that need a hand. They, in turn, help me when I need a hand.  I don't expect them to do it all the time and if they say they can't help out once in a while that is fine as well.  

What I can't tolerate is someone who says they are going to come and help me out and then don't show up at all and are impossible to reach.  Another thing I cannot stand is the endless excuses and lies they fabricate to try to placate me.  There are also people with whom I don't hear from for long periods of time and out of the blue they call looking for help and after they get it they disappear again.  I do not need these types of people in my life. 

So what's the easiest way to not burn bridges?  Be honest and do what you have agreed to do, be appreciative of the help given.  Lying is the cowards way out no matter how you justify it.  If you want to quit, say you need to quit and say your job is too stressful.  Some companies might even offer you a less stressful position.  Can't help out a friend in need?  Tell them you can't help, that you have been particularly lazy lately and you think you might be more of a hindrance than a help.  You could also get up off your lazy ass and force yourself to help if you really value the friendship. 

Rebuilding a bridge you have burnt is a long and stressful venture. And the rebuilt bridge is never as strong as the original. 

Burning Bridges
Scott Goerz

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Get To Work

When I have a job to do, whether it's for myself or for a company, I always do it to the best of my knowledge.  I really love being able to finish a project and look back at it and say "Wow, I did that."  I take a lot of pride in what I do, and I want others to be impressed with the work being done as well.

I have a "work ethic" that I follow, and it is unique to me, it ties into what I view as honorable, moral and good.  I think if everyone had this type of work ethic we wouldn't need structure in the workplace because everyone would be doing the job to the best of their abilities to finish the project.

Unfortunately, we do need structure. There are too many people that take advantage of the system and try to "Get something from nothing". These types of people take advantage, are generally lazy, lie, and they pass on their responsibilities to others, they are also the ones that complain the most.

When you are doing something, anything, from cleaning the house to fixing the car or building a shed, what type of worker are you?  Do you skip steps to finish faster?  Do you tell yourself that it can be done later?  Do you stand and stare at the mess and get overwhelmed before you even start?  Do you roll up your sleeves, set your jaw, and go for it? 

My advice for any project is to start small and go from there. You will be fine as long as you start, the more you sit and think about what has to be done the less likely it's going to be. 

I really have a pet peeve with a certain type of person, these people, can seemingly work at quite a few things they enjoy doing, and you will view them as they do it, but as soon as someone would like help with something they would rather not do, they are suddenly ill.
They will say " I have a headache." or " This old injury prevents me from helping you."
They will sometime start to help and then suddenly feign some sort of pain.  You can tell this is a complete lie because they don't need any help, they just need to sit down but don't ever get up again and show no signs of any injury after a few minutes. 

Get To Work
Scott Goerz

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Life Is Changing

Everybody seems to think that if we have an artificial intelligence robot that can think for itself, the human race will become extinct due to the robots seeings us as unnecessary.

 I can see how this type of thinking is formed, especially after watching the terminator movies.  The problem with this type of movie is, that it is just a movie.  It is not based on fact or real life, it is just there for entertainment and the future is not so simple. 

But lets say that the new intelligent life in the form of robots do see us as insignificant, what do we do?  I say we augment the human race before that happens.  We put microchips in our brains to help us access information we need, just like an A.I. robot would.  We already have mechanical limbs with actuating fingers that can read the nerve impulse signals from our brain.  There is also a computer to brain interface that can read your thoughts. Why not have a chip in your brain that acts like a cell phone and a retinal camera that lets you experience augmented reality just from thinking about it.

  If you think these ideas are far fetched think again. This technology exists rights now and could be used on humans within the next ten years.  If we had these devices implanted in us, any sort of A.I. robot would see us as equals.  This just the tip of the iceberg of the technology advancements in the world today.

 There are devices being developed that are not that far off  in our future that would allow us to download our conscientiousness (our brain) to a metaverse. (a computer simulation) Where we would leave our bodies and live in that simulation forever, immortal, as anything you would want to be.  If you were terminally ill or dying you may want to choose this option.  In the future you could upload your brain into a new body, live like that for a while and then return to the metaverse, rinse and repeat.  It sounds crazy but it could happen. 

If the outside world was made up of mindless worker robots and A.I. robots, you would still be able to influence that world from inside the metaverse, creating new tech, advancements in research,  planetary discovery, earth restoration, cloning and whatever else you can dream up.

The scary part is we don't know what we would be at this point, what does it mean to be human?  Is it our brains? our bodies?  A mixture of the two?  A few centuries ago we only used to live  into our 20's  and now we are well into our 100's and the major factor in that equation has been the discovery of computers.

Life is changing
Scott Goerz

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

What The F**k

I have been criticized for the amount I swear, which is quite a bit, especially when I'm frustrated or I get angry. I don't normally get angry at people, I get angry when something isn't going well, like fixing a car or doing a renovation.  I do swear in my normal conversation because it is the type of work I do and the people I work with swear all the time.  The interesting thing is I don't feel stressed out at all, most of the time.

I feel calm and collected almost all the time and I can think past problems to find a solution.  Why do you think that is?

Swearing relieves tension, it gives an instant release to any built up anger or frustration. It is a lot better than breaking or punching something and for the most part is completely harmless.  There have been proven studies to back up this claim.

Non swearing people get offended when you curse around them and it seems to me that they think you will somehow corrupt them with your vulgarities.  I do have a filter on my tongue and try not to blurt out profanities around strangers.

I have been trying to write these articles of my thoughts everyday, and sometimes it is hard to come up with a theme, it's also hard not to go on a complete tangent of cursing about the topic I'm writing about, I want anybody to be able to read it.  After writing this though I might dedicate a day of curse infused banter, maybe Sundays?

What The F**k
Scott Goerz