Why do we have people in this world that have to take a name of something to extremes? Why are they worried about the name of something that might be considered offensive? A word in and of itself cannot be deemed offensive, it is only a word. How someone interprets that word is reliant upon the person.
The Edmonton Eskimos, is getting a lot of grief because of the name Eskimo, it is being referred to as a racist slang and is considered offensive. To whom, I wonder? Which person or party is taking offence to the title of a football team? There is no one that I have talked to that finds it offensive in any way, and as a matter of fact, there are people out there who are taking offence that the name Eskimo is being put into question in the first place.
Are we so weak minded that the mere name of anything could invoke a rising up from certain parties that claim it is an insult to bear such a name? Is it really necessary to open up a political debate that costs time and money to change the name in question? The Washington Redskins is another example, and people are getting their hackles up because the implies some sort of racist tendencies. The Washington Redskin team itself holds that name with honor and pride, and have never had a racist thought about it. Why now? Why is it coming out now that it is considered offensive and not when the name was first announced?
There are some names in which I can understand renaming for the sake of humanity, such as mankind has been changed to humankind, to apply to everyone and not just men. I think it gets taken to far when you want to change the name of a manhole cover to personhole cover for the same reason, we have to let some things go.
If this trend continues on then no name will be safe and it will set a precedent that anyone can claim if they find it offensive, someone could say that the name Apollo as referred to in the space capsule, is a religious figure in a religion that they do not follow or agree with, and therefore deemed offensive.
It's ridiculous! This sort of neanderthal way of thinking needs to be squashed as soon as it comes up. We are at the point where we can't have Christmas anymore and instead have to call it a happy holiday because the former is insulting to other races and cultures. We need to stop pandering to this type of bullying. Call it what ever you want but telling me I have to change it is wrong. If you have a problem with something it is your problem, not mine or anyone else's.
Scott Goerz