Friday, November 2, 2018

Population Control

After reading an article with population alarmists, (People who are worried the population is growing out of control) I was initially worried myself. The article explains that food shortages will be a severe problem even if everyone turns into a vegetarian.  It goes on further to say that if we reach 10 billion people on the planet that will be very close to the cap amount, we already have 7.6 billion people living on this planet right now.

China has a one child per family policy, and in some parts of India there are sterilization camps set up and forcibly used on unwilling women in the poorer regions. Everything in the articles I read are all worried that we are nearing the maximum amount of people the world can sustain due to birthing rates and longevity of humans living longer lives.

When I was finished reading these articles I was shocked and was not sure what this world was going to become but then I started thinking for myself and realized that there is something missing from these stories.

If people around the world all had children on the same day and some of them were twins, triplets and so on, the world's population would increase by a substantial amount, wouldn't you agree?  But this recipe is missing an important ingredient, how many people die each day, from natural causes only?  50 million on average,  keep in mind that these are natural deaths, what about unnatural deaths? There apparently isn't a number that can be agreed upon but these include automobile accidents, natural disasters, murders, disease, accidents at home and any other unnatural causes. 

Here is an info-graphic I thought was interesting: Worldometer And: Death clock

The deaths and the births are somewhat close with one cancelling the other out a little.  Obviously the births are more otherwise we wouldn't be gaining in population at all.
The births 75-80 million, the deaths 56 million.

That is my thought of the day I hope you enjoyed it.  

Scott Goerz