We go to work, we come home, eat, rest, watch T.V., play with our kids, clean the house, fix the car, renovate, go to events, visit with friends, visit with family. Who the hell has time to work out?
I have read all the articles about trying to be fit and incorporate it into my routine. You'll often hear this quote, " You will be fit if it's not a choice but a part of your lifestyle." Oh yes very inspiring, but only if you have no life to begin with.
You can diet, but that only lasts if your are dedicated to it... for the rest of your life. As soon as you stop dieting you go back to the way you were. Who really wants to do that or live that life? When there is so many food options out there that are all delicious , from snacks to meals to fast food.
The last thing anyone wants to do after busting their ass off all day is go to the gym, unless it's your career and you are a professional athlete. Most of us don't want or have that kind of life and to to do something when you really don't want to is not going to last very long.
I think that most of us can agree, that if there were a safe pill out there that was proven and effective to maintain your ideal body weight, we would all be using it. I am tired of seeing all the scams advertised everywhere, from lemon and ginseng juice coupled with starvation, to the equivalent of baking soda and vinegar cocktails, that don't work at all, to the Dr. Ho's electric fat burning torture device and plastic wrapping your body to force it to sweat.
A simple pill that you could take once a week that would solve everyone's problems when it comes to fat loss, it would be simple and effortless and only take a few second out of your life so that you could enjoy the more enjoyable things in life.
Scott Goerz