Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Creation Is Life

I used to watch my niece and nephews draw pictures when they were small children, the non pattern scribbles and and meaningless lines scrambled across the pages meant nothing to my eyes but in their little heads it was a fascinating artful experience.  I think they must have used every color in the box of crayons they had, just to see what each one looked like.

As they grew their minds decided which colors were the best ones, and the lines drawn on the page became more focused and started to look like objects. This continued on until they reached a certain age and then, stopped.

We all stopped, I think that all of us at one time or another scribbled nonsense on a piece of paper, and continued to do so until we got better at making it look like something but eventually stopped doing it.

Why? There is a certain creativeness we must achieve before we can move on to bigger and better things, I moved on to music, I begged my parents for a guitar and eventually got one. My creativeness had changed from one form of art into another kind.  Some people write poetry, some of us play other instruments, some of us build things from nothing, creating as they go, and some of us need a map to create something another person has dreamed up. 

Creation is life, it defines us, helps us grow, from baking a pie to knitting a scarf to building a cell phone.  If we didn't create anything we would have never existed in the first place or probably died out soon after we took our first steps on this planet. If we were never curious enough to make life better for ourselves there would have been no point to living.

Don't ever be afraid to try something new, or to be better than you are, continuing to create and make new memories, or meet new friends can only enhance your life.

Scott Goerz