Wednesday, September 12, 2018


What does it mean when you put your trust in someone or something.  When I get into a vehicle I trust that it won't break down and it will get me to where I'm going. We all trust brand name companies because they have a good track record as a manufacturer.  You may be a Ford person, or Dodge, Chevy, GMC,and many others but you prefer just one type of company because their vehicle has rarely let you down in the past and other companies have.

The same is sort of true for people, you have certain relationships where your best friends have rarely or never let you down and you trust them completely. 

I believe that trust and love go hand in hand, you cannot truly love someone unless you fully trust them.  If they go out with their friends without you, you trust that they are not going to betray your trust in any way.  They, in turn, believe the same thing about you.

There is no half trust or partial trust. You cannot try to trust someone, in the immortal words of Yoda, "You either do or do not, there is no try."  Not having full trust in your relationship and saying that you are in love is a lie.  You are lying to yourself and your relationship will fail if it continues on without fully trusting your partner. 

When your trust in someone gets betrayed it becomes a wound so profoundly painful it's like a piece of your soul has been ripped out and destroyed.  From that point on you never fully heal from it and giving out your trust again becomes much harder.  If it happens too many times the damage could become irreparable and you will never trust anyone ever again.  You will become an empty shell of who you once were.

I have had my trust broken before, and I have learned from it, much like touching a hot surface it will only happen once because it is extremely painful.  Honesty and openness will build trust, if you are honest about everything you do it will build trust. If you are open about how you feel and can convey those feelings in a positive way, it will also go a long way to building trust.

Lying, cheating, sneaking around, jealousy, skepticism, over texting or calling constantly, worry, self degradation, pity, anger and a whole host of other negative emotions will break down trust and destroy it forever.  Choose who you trust carefully.

That's my thought on the matter.  Thanks to my sister Kim for the idea.

Scott Goerz