Friday, September 21, 2018

To Err Is Human

I have met my share of people in this world, and while we are all vastly different, we are also very much the same.  Some of us are introverts, meaning that we don't put ourselves in situations that draw attention to ourselves. Some of us are extroverts meaning the exact opposite. Some of us lie, some people read one false article and claim it as truth. The one type of person that I truly despise running into is the one that is never wrong.

Have you ever met someone who would not admit defeat after they have been proven wrong?  These people always have a reason or excuse as to why they thought the way they did and a justification to follow it afterwards. They will never admit that you were right, and they will never come close to admitting that they were wrong.

These types of people never apologize, and are usually narcissistic in nature. They think they are better than everyone else.  I often wonder what would happen if two of them ended up in a room together, would they become best friends, or kill each other?

There is no perfect person on this earth, everyone has flaws and makes mistakes. This is the reason we evolve in the first place, we make a mistake learn from it, and rectify the situation or we make it better so that it benefits everyone. 

Glass in vehicles used to shatter and cut people, now it's infused with plastic so that it crumbles instead of shatters, it still cuts but only tiny scratches instead of severe lacerations.  This is one instance of finding a flaw or mistake and making it better.

Admit to your mistakes, it will actually make you a better person, other people will see that you are honest, and respect and believe you when you tell them something. If you never admit that you were wrong nobody will ever believe anything that comes out of your mouth. Ask questions if you want answers, nobody will think any less of you for doing so.  Don't make up answers if you are not sure it's the truth or not. 

Well, that's my rant of the day. 

Scott Goerz