Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Go Back In Time

If you could go back in time and give yourself some advice, what would it be?  If you could somehow rearrange an event so that a different result would happen, where do you think your life would have gone?

I have pondered questions like these all my life and I honestly have no idea if anything would be different. One of the main reasons for my reasoning is that when I was a younger man, I was a complete asshole.  Even if I could go back and tell myself something I doubt my past self would listen. My past self would probably laugh and tell my future self to F-off.

Setting that aspect to the side, lets say I did listen to my much wiser future advice. One thing I would have liked to change was how I was schooled, but how do you tell your past self to work harder and be smarter?  My Schooling was stunted by idiotic teachers and over protective parents, I was held back in grade three, then they wanted to do it again in grade 5.

The school had a program for "Challenged" children and there was a special class that they claimed was a mixture of grade 6-7 one year, 8-9 the next year.  I knew it was a class for morons, and it was, but I met of my best friends there, and while that class was utterly useless it did teach me to toughen up and to take care of myself.  Those little life lessons got me good jobs and helped shape the way I earned money later in life.

The friends I did have before the new class, all ostracized me, and would be embarrassed to talk to me because I was in a special class. As a kid you don't understand why other kids you grew up with would no longer talk to you.  Kids can truly be cruelest beings on the planet at times.

My young rebellious self did get into a lot of trouble but if I took one of those events away it wouldn't have made much difference on my future. I would have gone and done a different bad thing somewhere else.  The schooling was the turning point for me, from good to bad in a heartbeat of my total life. There is no fixing that with some good advice.

Everything else was a learning experience, it turned me into who I am now, At this moment, I am in a good spot in my life and I think I turned out just fine. (But there is always room for improvement.)

Scott Goerz