Do you remember what it was like being a child? Do you remember who was your favorite aunt or uncle and grandmother and grandfather? Have you ever wondered why that was? Maybe it was because those elderly people treated you with more respect than the other adults you grew up with.
Which one are you? Do you look down on the little people in your life and think that they are inferior because they are not as smart as you and don't have the experience and maturity to hold a conversation? Would it be hard to get down and lower yourself to their level?
You were a child once too and somewhere deep inside of everyone still lives that little child, and he or she may indulge in eating too many chocolates, or enjoy Saturday morning cartoons or getting unreasonably dirty for no reason other than it's just plain fun.
I have always treated my nieces and nephews with respect as well as all other children in my life. I talk to them as people (Little people) and I will listen to an unnecessarily long story and offer intelligent questions afterwards that will give them an answer that they seek but they will find it for themselves if they ponder it long enough.
I have no problem getting down on my knees in front of other adults and pretending I'm a horse for them to ride or that barbie doesn't like her dress and she wants a new one. I offer advice when they are sad and comfort when they are hurt (even if it's just a little booboo).
I have said many times in the past that everyone is equal, and that includes children, I may be smarter and wiser at the moment but that doesn't make be better. I don't look down on them, I try to impart my wisdom on them as much as possible in the hopes they will surpass me and everyone else they know and become the best people they can be.
Scott Goerz