Thursday, August 23, 2018

Summertime Blues

I used to love the summer, I can remember always looking forward to the warm sun and the blue skies, to escape the cold dark and gloomy winter and relax on my days off staying up until the wee hours of the night and still see daylight.

This has unfortunately passed and while the summer is still better than the winter in my opinion it has nowhere the same appeal that it used to.

I find myself working most of the summer, even on my days off.  There is grass to mow on a regular basis, work that needs to be done that can only be done in the summer, outdoor events like birthday parties and weddings that you have to prepare for, you have to decorate and then tear everything down that you had built.

I find myself driving more, which in turn means spending more money, all my insurance and taxes come out in summer, registration for vehicles come out as well.

If you have to work on an extremely hot day it is almost like being in hell, there is no way to cool off once that last article of clothing comes off, and you normally can't remove the clothing because of the ultraviolet rays that will give you an instant sunburn.

The bugs this year have been a thousand times more annoying than usual, we had an incredible amount of flies at the beginning of summer and now the hornets have joined them, just the other day I got stung on the inside of my mouth because one yellow jacket flew into my beer can.  I spent an exuberant amount of time killing flies in my house and every time we open the door another ten or so fly in. 

Summer has become exhausting, and now I find myself looking forward to the winter, less work all around so I'll be able to relax more, less driving means less spending, and no more freaking bugs will be the icing on the cake that I really look forward to. I will be able to save more money so that I can prepare for the summer again, sigh.

Scott Goerz