I find it interesting that with the creation of computers and technology, science and innovation, that we hear less and less about the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, UFO's, and other latter day myths and legends.
We all have cell phones, every cell phone and tablet out there has a built in camera, but there are no new pictures or claims that these things exist. You would think that there should be thousands of new pictures if they did. These stories have been receding due to that type of technology.
We also have genetic and DNA testing that can be achieved fairly quickly and cheaply now, and we can test any and all samples of hair, skin, metal, bone and other items that were related to the "Proof" of mystical creatures and aliens. All scientific research on these articles of proof have been found inconclusive. The hair from Bigfoot has been analyzed and been found to be a mixture of horse and pig hair, depending on where it came from.
We aren't, however, free of claims of odd belief systems, while the old days of sights of mystical creatures seem to be dwindling, new reports of other outlandish claims are starting to come in. The Flat Earth society has been created with numerous people who totally believe that the earth is flat. They have charts and theories to back up their claims and have been trying to get others to follow them.
I find it interesting that these people are not scientists, or have any scientific background to back themselves up, a rapper has gone viral in his videos claiming that the earth isn't round but flat and goes on to try to prove his theory. If a well known scientist tries to dispute it, the flat earth community cries that it's a cover up.
There is obviously a need to believe in something abnormal and to let your imagination run wild, but it would be nice to have something more substantial and believable.
Scott Goerz