Monday, August 6, 2018

A Fix For A Broken World

If you look at the most successful companies in the world there is one thing that they all have in common.  Unity.  These companies have employees and bosses that work together as a team to make a better product or to do a better job. 

How are we as a species supposed to move forward and evolve when we are always in disagreement and fight each other at every new decision? 

The problem with what we are doing right now is that the whole world is divided.  There is a ton of other problems to be sure, money, politics, and power comes in to play but the main issue is that we are all divided.

If there were no borders, or other countries, and we simply called ourselves the Earth, and worked together as a whole to fix all worldly problems as a team instead of us against them, I truly believe this planet would be a better place.

There would still be different cities and places to visit, and different cultures and ways of life.  The third world countries would be taken care of by the entire populace instead of a select few that try to do the right thing. 

Technology would be shared, wealth, knowledge, and everything that makes this world a little better would be shared with everyone. 

There would be no reason to build nuclear bombs and have wars because we would all call the same place home, there would be no reason to fight for more land because it would already belong to everybody. 

It wouldn't be world peace, but it would eliminate a lot of the bickering, and us against them mentality.  We would still have people that the world feels the need to help, the homeless, the sick, and the elderly, but with more people working on the same problem it would be rectified sooner.

I came to this conclusion when I thought that if there was an asteroid that was on a collision course with the earth, that would make us all extinct if it hit us.  At that point of worldly realization money power and greed wouldn't matter borders wouldn't matter, there would be no us against them mentality.  Every person on this planet would work together to save it, regardless of cost or nationality.

The reason all the fighting would stop is because it's not that important.  It would be forgotten as soon as there was a bigger threat on the horizon that affects everybody.  Survival would be paramount to the entire world.

Scott Goerz