Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Too Nice

Sometimes you have to stand up for yourself, for what you believe in, your morals, and for common decency.  Some of us tend to let other walk all over us, and we justify this action as being nice.

If you dislike confrontation at any level, then you would be a person that doesn't let anyone know if something is bothering you.  I do understand that sometimes the confrontation isn't worth it.  Some people are looking for an argument, for a conflict, and these people are usually the bully type of people.

Standing up for yourself builds confidence, especially when you are feeling like an injustice has been made. If someone wrongly accuses you of stealing you definitely should defend yourself.  There are people out there that will accept the accusation and say they performed the crime because they will not confront the accuser.

There are smaller things in life that we constantly shrug off because we don't have the time or patience to deal with it, we convince ourselves that it's not a big deal and life goes on. You are doing yourself a huge disservice every time you let this happen.  If you are standing in line and someone buds in front of you, if you are in a grocery isle and somebody is blocking the way with a cart and you don't say anything,  if someone is making fun of you in a public setting among your peers, then it's up to you to take a small step and say that what is happening isn't right.

You don't have to get angry to voice your opinion, a simple "excuse me" or "I don't appreciate those comments", is all you need to do to let someone else aware of your displeasure and hopefully they get the hint.  If they don't you can decide if you want to take things further and make a stronger point. 

You will feel better about yourself if you take a few small steps standing up for yourself, be nice but not too nice.

Scott Goerz