Monday, December 31, 2018

Fact Checking Crap

I am so sick of having to double check everything I read online these days.  After I have read an article making some fantastic claim or a product that I might be interested in, I have to scour the internet to find out if what I have been led to believe is actually true.

Fist of all, the reason I do this fact checking is that when I am discussing a topic with someone, I want to be knowledgeable on the subject we are discussing, and that means knowing the facts on the subject and not the rumors.  If I write a blog, I don't want to put a bunch of false information out there, I want my opinion to be based on factual information or events.

For the life of me, I cannot figure out why there are so many lies out there to begin with.  Why would you advertise a product that doesn't work at all, and it and of itself a lie?  To make a few bucks?  Would the producer not benefit from making a product that at least worked to a small degree, becoming reputable enough to make future products that people would trust? 

The problem with these types of companies is that their lies affect the new startup businesses that may have a product that is revolutionary, but is overlooked because most new products are complete nonsense and people tend to stay away from them. If most companies made factual products and statements, we would lean towards believing new startups when they came out.

Then we have all the stories that are lies, and we have to triple and quadruple check them to make sure that what has been claimed is an actual event that has happened, but so many of us do not check to see if the facts are correct, and after a first time reading of the material they take it in as a truthful statement and repeat it to others.  This makes the reader an unreliable source of information and not credible in the eyes of their peers.  If you have ever met someone who lies all the time, you will find they are quite annoying and then you steer clear of them if you can.

I wonder if these lies are a conspiracy plot to force us to suspect any important information that gets leaked from the web. It would be easy to cover it up by claiming it was a lie to begin with.  With all the lies out there that statement would be a lie that would be easy to believe.

Scott Goerz