Thursday, December 27, 2018

Too Good To Be True

We should all take heed to that phrase "Too good to be true" as it is one of the most truthful statements you are likely to ever hear.  I have seen things that I have wished were true but because they fit into the category of too good to be true, I instantly know that it is a scam.

This is not to say that I haven't fallen victim to it, like many of us has, but I did learn from my mistake and I am much more weary when it comes to miracle drugs, or machines that do the impossible.

When I ended a long term relationship, I turned to internet dating as a resource to find a compatible mate. While I was on there a "Too good to be true" woman messaged me out of the blue, and because I was heartbroken and weak I believed her lies.  She (or he) had a profile up that was of supermodel status, and because it was also presented in such a smart way, I was fooled, not at first, I had a of of questions and I was very skeptical, but the answers they gave me, all were very believable, and we chatted on and off for around two months on a private messaging service. Everything was good until she started saying she was in trouble and needed money. 

That's when I started to research online dating scams, and found out everything that was said to me was said to someone else, and I ended it, mad at myself for being a fool the whole time.

Nowadays I am seeing a lot of too good to be true ads on social media sites, Facebook for instance is littered with completely bogus gadgets and health products that prey on the self conscious person, Lose 200 hundred pounds by drinking this miracle juice, The dragons den approves it! Or the Remove bags under your eyes, with this remarkable skin tightening rod, and The remove blemishes and even old tattoo's with this amazing laser pen.

Completely too good to be true items, and even though we desperately want these things to be real they just aren't.  This is the advertising premise that draws you in, by focusing on our weaknesses, our insecurities, and saying they can fix them for you without long term dieting or exercise, or invasive surgeries so they can easily prey on anyone's weakness.

Soon there will be an anti-aging solution that will take years off your life, you could be an 80 year old woman that now looks and feels like she's 40. While this actually may be a reality one day, it definitely won't be advertised on social media sites, and if it is then you already know, It's Too Good To Be True.

Scott Goerz