Being attractive is more than looking a certain way, sure nice clothes help and for girls a little make up is a good touch as well but that is only your outward appearance, there is so much more to being attractive than what you see on the outside.
What sort of person do you want to be? Do you want a long term relationship, or a one time fling? This depends on the availability you put out to the opposite sex. You can be available but don't be needy. Show interest but don't be willing to do anything the other person suggests. Stand your ground be confident in your actions, if you feel hesitant at all in a certain situation then say so, and don't let anyone convince you that you should do something you don't want to do.
No pressure.
After you have met someone and you really like them and can't wait to see them again give them one simple phone call or text and leave it in their hands to respond back to you. Don't send out 20 messages in a day asking where they are or say how much you like or miss them. This shows the other person that you seem desperate, it's annoying and surely a relationship killer.
If you have had an argument and now are in fear of losing the other person don't panic and try to buy or sex the person back into your life. This is also an act of desperation and it will backfire in your face. I have seen a lot of guys take their lady out shopping and offer to buy everything she glances at in a desperate attempt to win her heart back. Women offering to have sex all day to win their guys back is also an act of desperation. These actions don't fix the problem you had in the first place, and it will rear it's ugly head back into your lives unless you deal with it directly.
Respect each other, always, as the two of you are the most important thing in each others lives. I have seen couples swear at each other when they get upset, they call each other the most hurtful names and accuse the other person of doing unspeakable acts. Don't swear or curse each other out, have respect for each other in every circumstance.
Have your own activities that you do without your partner, get away and go out with the guys or have a girls day out. This allows you to appreciate your partner by letting you miss and think of the other person when they aren't around, it also lets you talk with your friends and see how their relationships are going and get advice from each other.
Scott Goerz.