I have wondered if one of my odd quirks is mine alone. I wonder if I am the only person on the planet who experiences it and if I were to tell anyone, I fear they would think me insane. I have come to the realization that almost no one has a unique quirk and we all experience something similar if not the same.
If you happen to work at a monotonous job, where you are organizing nuts and bolts all day, separating one from the other and putting them in separate bins for a whole ten hour day, after you get home, have supper, watch tv and finally go to bed, you might notice that when you close your eyes, you are separating nuts and bolts in your minds eye.
The same thing can be said about a gamer. Playing the same game all day before you call it a night leaves a residual imprint of your activity from your game play on your brain. While trying to fall asleep, you might find that you are still playing that same game in your head and can't fall asleep.
My niece brought this to my attention the other day, she said that a weird thing happens to her when she is highly focused on an activity and she sees herself still doing it when she tries to fall asleep. She thought it was a quirk that only she possessed, and I found that interesting.
It got me to thinking, what other things do we all do, but think it is a quirk that is individualized only to ourselves? Sometimes after having too much coffee, I get these weird tiny seizures in my biceps and they twitch randomly and uncontrollably. I think this only happens to myself but maybe there are others out there.
Deja vu is another uncontrollable feeling that we all experience. Where we feel as though we have been in a certain situation before.
What quirks do you have that you think nobody else has?
Scott Goerz