Sunday, December 23, 2018

Scam Me Again

What is with the scams on the internet lately? They have bled off from my computer, to my phone and they used to be only when you browsed the internet, but now you get calls on your house phone, in your emails, texts from your imaginary bank, or a tax collector. The list is endless and it doesn't seem like it's going to stop.

I'm pretty careful whenever I download anything, but I have been caught by a false browser update at least twice. I download the patch and then instantly realize I have just downloaded a virus or worm. I instantly delete the whole browser and start from scratch, I research where the contaminated file came from, it's name and make sure it's wiped from my hard drive.

One day I got a text from a bank saying that they overcharged me and I was to call them to get it back. First of all, it was a bank that I don't associate with, and second, the bank would only use a known secure connection to let you know of any information with you personal account.

Even on a site like Kijiji the scammers are present, a friend of mine wanted to sell his truck and got an email saying that they would pay more than his asking price, that they lived in a different province and shipping was going to be an issue. A typical over payment scam like this works by getting the potential victim “to refund” the scammer an extra amount of money because he/she send too much money. The offer will often be quite generous and bigger than the agreed price. The overpay (extra money) is to cover the costs of shipping or certain custom fees.  In the end they want you to use your money to pay for the shipping, and since they are overpaying you anyway it doesn't seem like a loss, with some extra in your pocket.  Don't fall for it.

It has gotten so bad, that unless I know the number calling me, I will not answer the phone. If it is not my work or a friend, family member, or has a name specifically attached to the number that I can recognize I do not answer the phone, and my phone rings a lot. There is one key element that most of us don't realize, any business, or government system that knows who you are will use your full name, you will never get a statement from any such establishment claiming that "YOU" owe them money.

If these people have the time to dream up these scams, making a plan to con people, to dedicate themselves to their course of action, wouldn't it be easier for them to simply start their own business to make money?  With no risk of getting caught and going to jail?  You put the time and effort into trying scam someone with a very believable ruse, you would think you would be able to make a legitimate business model and make way more money that way.

Scott Goerz