Monday, December 31, 2018

Fact Checking Crap

I am so sick of having to double check everything I read online these days.  After I have read an article making some fantastic claim or a product that I might be interested in, I have to scour the internet to find out if what I have been led to believe is actually true.

Fist of all, the reason I do this fact checking is that when I am discussing a topic with someone, I want to be knowledgeable on the subject we are discussing, and that means knowing the facts on the subject and not the rumors.  If I write a blog, I don't want to put a bunch of false information out there, I want my opinion to be based on factual information or events.

For the life of me, I cannot figure out why there are so many lies out there to begin with.  Why would you advertise a product that doesn't work at all, and it and of itself a lie?  To make a few bucks?  Would the producer not benefit from making a product that at least worked to a small degree, becoming reputable enough to make future products that people would trust? 

The problem with these types of companies is that their lies affect the new startup businesses that may have a product that is revolutionary, but is overlooked because most new products are complete nonsense and people tend to stay away from them. If most companies made factual products and statements, we would lean towards believing new startups when they came out.

Then we have all the stories that are lies, and we have to triple and quadruple check them to make sure that what has been claimed is an actual event that has happened, but so many of us do not check to see if the facts are correct, and after a first time reading of the material they take it in as a truthful statement and repeat it to others.  This makes the reader an unreliable source of information and not credible in the eyes of their peers.  If you have ever met someone who lies all the time, you will find they are quite annoying and then you steer clear of them if you can.

I wonder if these lies are a conspiracy plot to force us to suspect any important information that gets leaked from the web. It would be easy to cover it up by claiming it was a lie to begin with.  With all the lies out there that statement would be a lie that would be easy to believe.

Scott Goerz

Sunday, December 30, 2018

What To Do? Kids Sexting

What do you do when your preteen has figured out the secret world of internet sexting?  What do you do when you find out they are potentially putting themselves in danger but will not listen to anything you say?

First off, you can't come down on them like they are the worst people in the world, as soon as you freak out on them they will automatically tune you out and anything you say afterwards on the subject, will go in one ear and out the other.  It's terrifying as a parent in this situation, but jumping to conclusions and freaking out makes you look like a child yourself and garners no respect from anyone let alone your children.

You are going to have to come up with a way to talk to your children so they are interested in what you have say and want to listen.

Start the conversation with your sexting teen by talking about sex and sexual desire.  Talk to them about the natural urge to act on their sexual feelings.  Talk to them about how natural it is to be curious about whether others find them sexy and desirable.  Talk about how tempting it is to try to pique the interest of someone they are attracted to by using sexuality.  There are many ways to show sexuality that do not include nudity, make-up for example, revealing clothing, cleavage, perfumes, colognes.

 Talk about how strong the feeling can be to share something intimate and personal with someone you are attracted to and care about.  Talk about how casually everyone takes sex and nudity these days.  Talk about how easy it is to get attention from others (wanted or unwanted) by being sexual, especially by exposing your body.  Talk to them about the importance of sharing this powerful, fun and very personal part of themselves with someone under the right circumstances.  Talk to them about the consequences of rash, impulsive actions in the internet age. Talk to them about how nudity is a very private and personal thing, only to be shown to the most loved and trusted people in their lives and should not be given out freely for all to see.

 Be sex positive, Sex is a good thing.  It is a glorious, wonderful, scary, exciting, enjoyable, powerful, delicious and sometimes overwhelming human experience.  It is something to anticipate, savor and treasure.  It has the ability to create a profound sense of intimacy.  Don’t skip this step.  If all you do is talk about how horrible sexting (and sex) is and how bad they are for doing this, you will lose a crucial opportunity to help your kid start to figure out how to handle this sexualized culture that surrounds them.

If you present sex as a bad, sinful, evil thing you will handicap your kids in an important area of their life and your kid will be unlikely to come to you for advice; and they need your advice about this.  You can’t afford to have your kid tune you out.

Show them the results of a person their own age that put nude pictures of themselves online, sexted strangers and how it spiraled out of control, show how it stared out innocently enough at first but got worse and worse as it went on.  Let them know that you are worried that this could happen to them. Tell them that you love them and if they want to ask you anything, you will do your best to listen and answer as honestly as you can.

Some of this advice was taken from multiple online articles and combined in this one. I used the ones I thought to be the most valuable, I am not a doctor or psychologist, My goal is to help anyone who may need some simple advice.

Scott Goerz

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Download Your Brain

100 trillion connections, that's all we would need to download our brains and live infinitely on a computer, it does sound like a lot but with the way technology is moving that could soon be a reality and an alternative to a coffin.

I'm not sure I'm on board with this idea though, while I normally love the perks and ideas that technology brings forth, this idea has me less than enthused. I do think it would be nice to be able to talk with a loved one after their body has left this world, but the thought of them trapped inside a machine does not put my mind at ease.

Let's say this is a total possibility, and somehow we could capture the soul of another person, leaving out all pain from disease and old age. Then when we kick the bucket, we get to join them in their electronic limbo and the cycle repeats itself.  I find myself wondering if it would be like living in the matrix and using Skype to video chat with someone in the living world.

This sounds like a movie and not a possibility for our future. I'm not sure I like the idea of my mother inside one of these things, alone and waiting for us to contact her one day. After her transference to the digital realm I'm sure she would have someone to talk to everyday for a few months until the novelty wore off, then people would only chat with her occasionally.  That and the fact that she would never be able to hug a grandchild or one of her children bothers me as well.

We could speculate that by downloading Albert Einstein's brain that he could still help us with the mathematically challenging unanswered questions of the universe. What if he didn't want to?  What if he or any other famous genius decided that they didn't want to help anymore?

The important thing to remember about your brain is that it is yours, and only you know how to work it. Einstein's brain didn't just pop out equations, he had to sit and ponder these things, sometimes for years, so just because you download his complete psyche into a machine does not mean that you or anyone else will be able to use it.  It's a complex machine that only he knew how to use.

Obviously this has serious religious ramifications as well, I'm sure the churches around the globe will have something to say about this and it will not be good. Going to heaven will take on a whole different meaning.

Yay or Nay, What do you think?

Scott Goerz

Friday, December 28, 2018

Smoking Vs Vaping

I am a smoker, I have been since I was about 14. I know smoking is harmful, causes cancer, lung disease, and other problems with the human body. It stinks, and is addictive.  But the one thing that smoking has over vapor is long term studies, Smoking has been around for over a hundred years. I know what the adverse effects of smoking are, but I don't know much about vaping.

There has been research in the long term effects of smoking and because of that, anyone who smokes knows the risks involved with it. The fact that it is addictive makes it harder to quit but it's not so addictive that it is impossible, as I have quit a few times over the years but decided to start again.

The Vaping movement has begun, and it seems that everyone on the vaping band wagon thinks that it is healthier than smoking.  When cigarettes became mainstream, they used to advertise it as a healthy activity that would increase lung capacity and give you more energy. There were no long term studies to prove otherwise.

That's where we are with vaping, the same sort of statements are being made without any evidence to dispute the claim. Haven't the scientist learned from their mistakes from the past? With these sorts of claims it is no wonder people are switching from cigarettes to vapor, and by saying that is "healthier" than smoking. Using the word "Healthy" in this way is harmful, because that's what people hear, and then you hear them say that vaping is healthy, it's not.

I just watched an experiment where they sucked in the equivalent of a months worth of smoking and vaping, into a glass cylinder filled with cotton balls. The cigarette cylinder was of course brown with tar and was a sticky mess, but the vapor cylinder was clear, the interesting thing I found was the scientist said that the cotton balls in the vapor cylinder were wet with vapor, and even though there was no color, they could still smear this clear substance on a white piece of paper. Then they claimed that because of this, the vapor was clearly more healthy than the cigarette. This test did not prove that in my opinion.

Smoking or vaping? For now I will stick with what has been proven and stay away from what has not. But really, I shouldn't be doing either, and just quit all together.

Scott Goerz

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Too Good To Be True

We should all take heed to that phrase "Too good to be true" as it is one of the most truthful statements you are likely to ever hear.  I have seen things that I have wished were true but because they fit into the category of too good to be true, I instantly know that it is a scam.

This is not to say that I haven't fallen victim to it, like many of us has, but I did learn from my mistake and I am much more weary when it comes to miracle drugs, or machines that do the impossible.

When I ended a long term relationship, I turned to internet dating as a resource to find a compatible mate. While I was on there a "Too good to be true" woman messaged me out of the blue, and because I was heartbroken and weak I believed her lies.  She (or he) had a profile up that was of supermodel status, and because it was also presented in such a smart way, I was fooled, not at first, I had a of of questions and I was very skeptical, but the answers they gave me, all were very believable, and we chatted on and off for around two months on a private messaging service. Everything was good until she started saying she was in trouble and needed money. 

That's when I started to research online dating scams, and found out everything that was said to me was said to someone else, and I ended it, mad at myself for being a fool the whole time.

Nowadays I am seeing a lot of too good to be true ads on social media sites, Facebook for instance is littered with completely bogus gadgets and health products that prey on the self conscious person, Lose 200 hundred pounds by drinking this miracle juice, The dragons den approves it! Or the Remove bags under your eyes, with this remarkable skin tightening rod, and The remove blemishes and even old tattoo's with this amazing laser pen.

Completely too good to be true items, and even though we desperately want these things to be real they just aren't.  This is the advertising premise that draws you in, by focusing on our weaknesses, our insecurities, and saying they can fix them for you without long term dieting or exercise, or invasive surgeries so they can easily prey on anyone's weakness.

Soon there will be an anti-aging solution that will take years off your life, you could be an 80 year old woman that now looks and feels like she's 40. While this actually may be a reality one day, it definitely won't be advertised on social media sites, and if it is then you already know, It's Too Good To Be True.

Scott Goerz

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Wouldn't It Be Nice...

Wouldn't it be nice, if we could take someone else's place, and take the burden off of them for a while. If there were a way to swap minds into different bodies, as a married couple the sexual implications would be interesting to say the least.

But this is not what my main topic today is to be about, what I had in mind was that my wife in particular, has an interesting job where she has to work shift work, and such was the case this Christmas.  It pains me to see her run down and tired, her work schedule slowly chipping away her good mood and sanity.

Wouldn't it be nice if I could go to work for her, she could stay home and relax, do some quilting, cuddle with her puppies, and soak in the tub. It's obvious that the mind swapping technology does not exist in this day and age, but what if there was another more reasonable way?

My wife is a level 2 power engineer, and has all the schooling and training to operate a sophisticated gas and power plant, if I had the same training as her, wouldn't it be nice if we could share the same job.  She could work a week and I could work two, or a one and one, or I could work all year and she could have a wonderful vacation.

She loves her job, but like anybody who does the same thing day after day, it gets monotonous, stressful, and boring. I would gladly go to work for her until she decided to get back to it herself.

If there was a system in place where this could happen for any relationship, even children and adults, boyfriend and girlfriend, if you could go to work in their stead especially if one of you wasn't working it would be nice to share the same job.

It would even be better if you could finally let the other person know what you do all day, instead of coming home after a long day and telling someone about their crappy day, they could go out and experience it themselves, and see first hand what it's like to walk a mile in another person's shoes.  By the same token, the worker could stay home and see what it's like to raise children and take care of the house.

This alone would create a real appreciation for what the other person has to go through on a daily basis, and I think it would form a stronger bond between couples.

That's my blog for the day.

Scott Goerz

Tuesday, December 25, 2018


This is it! The day has finally come to spend time with friends and family, to laugh and have fun, enjoy excellent food with each other, and create some great new memories.  Let's not forget the presents, because like most people we have spent a lot of time trying to find those gifts that generate the "Ooooh and Ahhhh" that we hear when our loved ones open them.

The amount of time and energy we spend on organizing Christmas is staggering, if you happen to be in a store the day after Halloween you will see that the Christmas stuff is out and already for sale. That gives us two months to prepare, decorate, plan parties, social gatherings, shopping, design menu's and so much more.

Some of us can't get it done in that time whether it's due to laziness (Like myself) or the fact that most of us still have to work during this cycle, and by the end of our two month preparation table, we are scrambling to find something for someone or scrambling to finish up everything we need to do.

One year I actually went out and completed all my shopping that I had to get done way before the due date of Dec.25. It was awesome, but for some reason, I haven't done that since and I haven't the slightest clue as to why.  It was so much easier and I was completely stress free.  I must subconsciously love the anarchy.

If you are like me, or are more organized, it doesn't matter anymore because the due date has arrived, and whether you finished all your tasks or not is something you can pre plan for next year. As for today you should relax, enjoy the time you have with your loved ones, look around and see the joy and happiness you have brought to every one else's lives.

Christmas isn't about just about presents, it's about how you treat others and how they treat you, it's about compassion and gratitude for what you have, and it's about making other people's lives a little bit better. Giving someone a gift shows them that you are grateful to them and is a small sign of those feelings. 

We give ourselves all year long and Christmas is the day where we all get some appreciation for it.

Scott Goerz

Monday, December 24, 2018

A Secret Quirk, Not So Secret

I have wondered if one of my odd quirks is mine alone.  I wonder if I am the only person on the planet who experiences it and if I were to tell anyone, I fear they would think me insane.  I have come to the realization that almost no one has a unique quirk and we all experience something similar if not the same.

If you happen to work at a monotonous job, where you are organizing nuts and bolts all day, separating one from the other and putting them in separate bins for a whole ten hour day,  after you get home, have supper, watch tv and finally go to bed, you might notice that when you close your eyes, you are separating nuts and bolts in your minds eye.

The same thing can be said about a gamer. Playing the same game all day before you call it a night leaves a residual imprint of your activity from your game play on your brain. While trying to fall asleep, you might find that you are still playing that same game in your head and can't fall asleep.

My niece brought this to my attention the other day, she said that a weird thing happens to her when she is highly focused on an activity and she sees herself still doing it when she tries to fall asleep. She thought it was a quirk that only she possessed, and I found that interesting.

It got me to thinking, what other things do we all do, but think it is a quirk that is individualized only to ourselves?  Sometimes after having too much coffee, I get these weird tiny seizures in my biceps and they twitch randomly and uncontrollably.  I think this only happens to myself but maybe there are others out there.

Deja vu is another uncontrollable feeling that we all experience. Where we feel as though we have been in a certain situation before.

What quirks do you have that you think nobody else has?

Scott Goerz

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Scam Me Again

What is with the scams on the internet lately? They have bled off from my computer, to my phone and they used to be only when you browsed the internet, but now you get calls on your house phone, in your emails, texts from your imaginary bank, or a tax collector. The list is endless and it doesn't seem like it's going to stop.

I'm pretty careful whenever I download anything, but I have been caught by a false browser update at least twice. I download the patch and then instantly realize I have just downloaded a virus or worm. I instantly delete the whole browser and start from scratch, I research where the contaminated file came from, it's name and make sure it's wiped from my hard drive.

One day I got a text from a bank saying that they overcharged me and I was to call them to get it back. First of all, it was a bank that I don't associate with, and second, the bank would only use a known secure connection to let you know of any information with you personal account.

Even on a site like Kijiji the scammers are present, a friend of mine wanted to sell his truck and got an email saying that they would pay more than his asking price, that they lived in a different province and shipping was going to be an issue. A typical over payment scam like this works by getting the potential victim “to refund” the scammer an extra amount of money because he/she send too much money. The offer will often be quite generous and bigger than the agreed price. The overpay (extra money) is to cover the costs of shipping or certain custom fees.  In the end they want you to use your money to pay for the shipping, and since they are overpaying you anyway it doesn't seem like a loss, with some extra in your pocket.  Don't fall for it.

It has gotten so bad, that unless I know the number calling me, I will not answer the phone. If it is not my work or a friend, family member, or has a name specifically attached to the number that I can recognize I do not answer the phone, and my phone rings a lot. There is one key element that most of us don't realize, any business, or government system that knows who you are will use your full name, you will never get a statement from any such establishment claiming that "YOU" owe them money.

If these people have the time to dream up these scams, making a plan to con people, to dedicate themselves to their course of action, wouldn't it be easier for them to simply start their own business to make money?  With no risk of getting caught and going to jail?  You put the time and effort into trying scam someone with a very believable ruse, you would think you would be able to make a legitimate business model and make way more money that way.

Scott Goerz

Saturday, December 22, 2018

A Gift For Myself

Lets say that one year you decided that you were going to get a gift for yourself, you had a budget of fifty dollars, and a date set that you had to have it for.  For arguments sake let's say Christmas, 'tis the season after all.

What would get yourself?  We have all had to get gifts for somebody else, when it comes down to crunch time and you are getting closer to the date and you haven't figured out what to get yet, I know that I have personally just grabbed something off the shelf, putting aside indecision, and hoping that the person I was buying for would like it.

This year my family did something different, we usually draw names from a hat, and have to buy something for the person's name that we picked.  This year we had to do the same thing but instead of buying a gift for them, we had to buy something for ourselves and say it was from them.

Sounds silly right? How many times have you gotten something that you will never use?  The person that got you the gift just threw 50 dollars away, and so did you on their gift. So why not spend the money on yourself and get something that you and everyone else will use. Keep in mind that we are all older adults and don't have a real need for anything. Children still get gifts.

You would think this would be an easy process, I have found it to be much harder than anticipated. First of all, the whole "Just buy something and hope for the best" scenario gets thrown out the window. I know what it is and it's for myself, I'm not going to throw money away. I have had a hell of a time trying to buy for myself.  It was at this point when I realized that I truly had no need for a gift that costs 50 dollars.  Having a deadline made the situation even more complicated and panic set in because I was in town and sick of shopping, I had to get something. I did, but I'm not very impressed with myself at all, I would even go as far as saying I let myself down.

I can't tell you what it is, Christmas isn't here quite yet and I can't let my secret Santa know what she bought me until then.

Scott Goerz

Friday, December 21, 2018

Obsessive Complusive Dingbat

As we get older we find certain things that we prefer to have done the way we want. Once we have established a pattern that works for us we tend not to deviate from that path. It could be the path you take to work everyday, or tidying you house, loading the dishwasher or preparing food.

When we are younger our minds don't set on one way of doing things and we can learn different ways of doing things, friends and family can show you new ways of how tasks can be accomplished more efficiently.

I don't know what age exactly it is that you stop learning and commit to one way of doing things, but I'm pretty sure it starts in your 30's and once that happens there is next to no chance you are going to change your ways.

Some of us take it a step further, we become obsessive about it, and it you do those tasks compulsively because if you don't and you know you didn't, it will drive you crazy.  The problem with this is that it will also drive all of you friends, family, and coworkers insane when they are around you.

It is a problem, if you have to wipe your countertop 5 times counter clockwise first, then 5 times clockwise because that's the way you have convinced yourself that the counter won't be clean otherwise, you can see how this might make you hard to be around.

We have to let certain things go, and not make a big deal if they are not done the way we want it to be.  Life is stressing enough with the need to obsessively make sure that you don't drive even 1 km over the speed limit, or worrying about if your oranges are touching the chicken in the grocery bag, or wiping the counter if you see a crumb on it. 

Let others help you and don't complain if they don't do it the way you would do it, be thankful they are helping you in the first place.

Scott Goerz

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Christmas Spirit Stress

Bah Humbug, I feel like this phrase is the perfect match for Christmas for me.  The stress of the holidays is truly paramount on Christmas and the days before and after. It's like added pressure on an already pressurized task list.

Shopping is the big task, what to get your loved ones, family members, co-workers, friends, and whomever else fits the bill. Not only do you  have to get a gift, it has to be something you think someone else would want or need, but keeping it within your budget. Dealing with other shoppers that have the same agenda you do is also a pain in the butt, driving to the stores, finding parking, standing in long lines to purchase your goods, then wrapping everything applying name tags, then stacking them in order underneath the tree. It will be a cold day in hell if you think I'm giving Santa all the credit for my hard work and effort.

Decorating your house, while I am not the decorator of the tree or the house, nor do I care to, my wife loves seeing all the different colors and the pretty lights, so I don't mind carrying up the 15 boxes and crates filled with Christmas decorations for her to use at her leisure. It is still stressful when light bulbs don't work or you can't find the type of decoration that you are looking for.

Food is an epic stressful scenario, You will spend at least a week planning, shopping, and organizing a decent Christmas supper for your family. Finding the right turkey, gravy, fixings, veggies, spices, and bringing out the "good" dishes and silverware, all for a 20 minute dinner that has a mess a small army would make, is another top stressful situation.

The last point , I'm going to make is dealing with family and how they react to each other. Some family members are old and cranky and no matter how much you try to cater to them, they are never happy. Then you have arguments on how things could be done or should be done. Let's not forget animals and children, someone spilled something, animal peed or pooped on the floor, or threw up somewhere, kids fighting and arguing, parents and siblings arguing like the children.

I do not understand why we do this to ourselves every year, it's supposed to be about celebration and fun but it rarely ever seems like it does to me. So while I do try to keep my spirits up during this season it's hard for me not become a Grinch.

Scott Goerz

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Arizona Day 7

I have spent a week in Arizona, and I have to say I have had some interesting days. Most of my ideas on the American people have been wrong as was my view on this state as well. I have been shrouded in a bit of ignorance but I have learned from it.

The people here are just like the ones back home, there are nice ones and then not so nice ones and everything works better when one person is courteous to another, in any country.

My whole life I have tried to have a lower expectation from anywhere that I have gone and from the activities that I have done, for the simple reason of not wanting to be disappointed. It actually has worked for quite a few things but of course there is an exception to every rule.

When you look forward to something and it’s better than what you expect it gives you hope. Hope for the next thing that you do, or the place that you go. In the way of the former scenario I was always looking to be disappointed, that's what I have been looking forward to for a good part of my life.

While I didn’t look forward to this trip I also wasn’t preparing myself for the worst and I think that had a positive effect. I came here with an open mind to see and experience new things.  I am happy to say that for the most part I enjoyed myself.

In the future, I will have to try to change my way of thinking like I have done so far.

For now, I am looking forward to seeing my dogs, eating at home, and sleeping in my own bed, and that is something I have always looked forward to and have never been disappointed.

Scott Goerz

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Arizona Day 6

In a desperate attempt to do something we spontaneously decided that we would drive up to Gold Creek canyon mine. It was an old mining town that became abandoned after the mine went dry. It has now become a tourist location and a ghost town.

When we arrived after a short 20 minute drive, the sun was out and it was actually warm outside for once. I wasn't expecting much but after seeing the little town in person my interest started to peak. It is amazing to me that in the early 1900's and without current technology, these people managed to build a town on a hill and still maintain level buildings, have perfectly cut square beams, and have elaborate designs.

With all these tourist type places, you would think that they could come up with a better way to make money other than having high prices for garbage type crafts and nick-nacks, as well as charging people through the nose for a nonsense tour.  There was a bordello in this town but the woman giving the tour was a 90 year old dressed up as a prostitute, um, no. No, I don't want that tour from her. At 5 bucks a head (pun intended) and a 20 minute tour of her explaining all the lewd things happening in the bordello didn't seem like a good time to me or the rest of us.

After further inspection I noticed that the upkeep of this place was lazy at best, with metal junk thrown into corners, and a barrel in front to cover it up. The stores were dirty and it made me feel as though the owners couldn't care less. I get that this is supposed to be as rustic as possible but you have to draw the line somewhere when you are trying to run a business, less is not more.

We left the Ghost town, but instead of heading back to town we decided to see where the road would lead us and we continued further on it. We were basically in the mountains, and the road went way up and way down, all of it being short switchbacks and sharp corners. This eventually led us to a place called Tortilla Flats, it consisted of three large buildings, a restaurant and two stores. Everyone was hungry so we decided to stop for lunch, I contemplated how I might handle my food poisoning from such a place.

My fears dwindled when we got inside and found the place packed full of people, that's always a good sign, it indicates that the food must be at least edible and tasty. I had to use the bathroom and on the way to it, I noticed for the first time the unusual wallpaper on the walls, one dollar bills with signatures on each one, from floor to ceiling, and at first I thought they were fake but on closer inspection I realized that every one of them was real.

In the washroom I'm doing my business and some guy comes in and figures he needs to pee from five feet away from the urinal, there are no barriers or walls in here between urinals, and this dude figures he needs to whip out his junk in the middle of the washroom. Eff'n people sometimes.

The food was extremely good and we got more than we needed, huge helpings for a low price, I was impressed.

We continued on our journey, and the paved road eventually turned to gravel but didn't hinder us as we plowed through. In hindsight I think we should have stopped and turned around but we wanted to see where the road led us and ignorance is blind. There were some truly spectacular views on the road but it was narrow and one vehicle wide in some areas.

Eventually we reached the end of the treacherous goat trail and ended up at Roosevelt Dam. I have never seen a dam before and I have to say I was pretty impressed with this one. The work involved to make this thing must have been incredible.

This brought us back out to the highway and we made our way home. From the highway it took us 2 hours to drive home. It was a great waste of a day and my wife and her parents slept all the home.

Scott Goerz

Monday, December 17, 2018

Arizona Day 5

If you have ever been in a strange city and have been reliant on your GPS for navigation, you may be one of the few people like myself that can still get lost.  Glitchy technology, I mean if you are going to make a mapping system then how about you work out the eff'n bugs! All we wanted was a McDonald's coffee in the morning but the one our GPS found was closed down, so we tried a different one but the stupid machine insisted that we go the first one it found. It also has no clue if there is construction and will take you where no roads exist.

Setting that aside, we tooled around Mesa for a good part of the day, my wife wanted more metal art for her garden, so that's what we did, drove around looking for metal art stores. We also went to a guitar center, which is what I wanted to do, but I always feel like my wife hates those places, so I can't really enjoy myself knowing that she is miserable. I get in and get out as quick as possible.

What is it with the coffee shops in the United States? Living in Canada has spoiled me apparently, the coffee there seems superior in every way, it's stronger, they actually mix your drink with a spoon if you put cream and sugar in it. Every single coffee I have had so far has been a bland flavorless cup of lukewarm dishwater, I can barely taste the coffee and always have to doctor it afterwards, our rental car could actually be a kiosk for good coffee with all the sugar and stir sticks inside of it.

My wife's parents are in love with a store called Big Lots down here, and they couldn't wait to take us there. It is basically an exact version of giant tiger in Canada except they sell beds and couches too. We were not impressed at all. My father in law loved the fact that there were cans of cream corn there for 50 cents, he was most impressed with the cheap prices, so I didn't bother telling him that those cans were probably from the first world war, which explains the cheapness.

And lastly, here on day 5 of our trip, it seems that we are struggling to find things to do, if we were snowbirds like my wife's parents, I have no idea what a person would do around here. You are not allowed to work, because you are not a resident of USA, unless everything you do is under the table. Eventually you will have seen all the tourist sites, and landmarks in the area, so being here for 5 days is already wearing thin. We leave on the 7th day, and I have to say I am looking forward to my own bed, my friends, and my puppies.

Scott Goerz

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Arizona Day 4, Flea Market

I think we have all been brainwashed a little when it comes to our understanding of the American people. I myself have been led to believe that our southern neighbors are rude, dumb, ignorant, redneck gun wielding people. I have formed a new opinion since my short time here. The people here are very courteous and pleasant, I have not seen a gun on a person yet, and whenever you are out at a public place, everyone so far has been eager to hold a door open for you, and they are super friendly with a smile or even a short conversation.

 Driving has been quite a pleasant experience as well, other drivers instantly let you in their lane if you signal and I have yet to be cut off. A far cry from my home town driving experience, at least here in Mesa Arizona.

When we went to the flea market I was expecting it to be a circus of people concerned with only themselves but this was not the case. There was a large crowd but it was very manageable and people would move out of your way if you were walking through, and they were stopped to look at something.

The Flea market itself is huge, it's basically tents outside with literally thousands of little kiosks of every kind. My wife fell in love with metal flowers that she wants to decorate her garden with. She has bought a little cactus, a few flower types, and a large metal flower that her parents with bring back with them in their car, as it is too big for our suitcases for the plane.  I didn't buy anything, to me it was all garage sale type stuff, or you saw it on TV type junk, and I have no use for those sorts of things.

After our shopping trip we came back to the trailer park where I decided a nap was in order and my wife and her mother went fabric and bra shopping by themselves. They are both quilters, so they look for fabric sales all the time. Not my thing, at all.

We ended our evening at Organ pizza, a theater turned restaurant with a large pipe organ that rises in up through the floor at certain times. A guy plays requests from the audience and puts on quite a show.  This isn't your normal pipe organ, it is attached to numerous pneumatic instruments that are scattered throughout the building. There are drums and cymbals on the walls, all sorts of horns and bells, stuff on the ceilings that I don't have names for, but everything is linked to the organ and everything uses pressurized air.

Oh, I should also mention that the pizza was good too.
We ended our evening visiting some areas with Christmas lights, which were interesting but not that big of deal in my opinion, with the exception of one place.
This ends day 4 our trip to Arizona. Tomorrow is going to be us just touring around looking for things to do.

Scott Goerz

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Arizona Day 3

We had breakfast in Williams, but we didn't check out of the hotel until we had finished it, can you guess the reason why? My mother in law, and wife like to us clean washrooms, so they kept their rooms until the last minute. The first day in the rental car, everyone was talking about how comfortable it was but after getting in and out on the second day and now on the third day the grumbling is coming out. It's too low, I don't have enough leg room, I chuckle to my self because even though we are all adults we are also a bunch of children when it comes to our comfort.

We were off to Sedona, a tourist town located deep within a Valley off the main highway on our trip back to |Mesa from Williams. The car smelled like poop after we checked out of the hotel and everyone had used the bathrooms, I didn't say anything but I did roll my window down much to the despair of everyone inside because it was cold outside. I used the excuse that I was hot as I was the only one that smelled it.

If you have ever been to the mountains in B.C. you know some of those mountain roads are pretty steep, this was the case for the road going to Sedona. Long winding steep switchbacks with red rock canyon walls to each side. It was very impressive in my opinion. When we finally got to the town it was like the town of Jasper in Alberta, but probably twice as large. Tourist shops lined both sides of the streets. We stopped and had a walk around to look at them, and very much like home the prices for any item was exuberant, 200 American dollars for a rock that held a tiny cactus and could sit on a counter. Oh Nay Nay.

The view, however, was spectacular. It was so much better than the Grand canyon in my opinion and it was probably because the sights were much closer and you could see a lot more details in the surrounding mountains. We stopped at a place that used to be a trading post, built with rock that was rounded and smoothed over.
Neat stuff, but it had all the rooms converted to shops with high prices as well, so that kind of ruined some of the appeal for me. We found a market on the outside of town with some fascinating stuff that you didn't see in the town. Here is a pic.
We made it back to Mesa after a quick lunch. A hilarious argument between my in-laws broke out, it was about which roads to turn at, and I'm sure my wife's father was baiting his wife and trying to get her flustered, his plan worked too well in the end and it turned into a full fledged battle of hilarity.

Tomorrow we visit a huge flea market that my wife is stoked for. I guess we will see what happens.

Scott Goerz

Friday, December 14, 2018

Arizona Day 2 Grand Canyon

We woke up in our trailer this morning and didn't realize that the heat had been turned off, so naturally we didn't turn it on. It was about plus 1 degree Celsius this morning, we were damn cold, and had to search for a thermostat. It gets dark around 5 o'clock here and it gets cold. Not what I was expecting at all for Arizona.  The parent in-laws came over around 8ish this morning, and we were on the road at about 8:30.

Now I was told that it would take around three hours to get to the Grand Canyon from Mesa Arizona, and I was prepared for that sort of drive, I mentally prepared myself for it. I have to say while we were out driving it does not make logical sense for there to be orange trees and cactus to be growing in the same area, but there it was, living proof of my misconceptions.

The 6 and a half hour drive to the Grand Canyon, I drove the whole way and I had very numb ass cheeks. Much longer than I was told, and I was not mentally prepared for it, but I did it with a smile because I am a trooper, OK maybe a little cranky trooper.

Here I am at the Grand canyon, after I got some sensation back in my feet.
|I didn't know what to expect from the Grand canyon, other than it was grand, and it was, but it was also cold as a polar bear's nutsack. See that on the ground behind me? That is snow, in Arizona. I did not want to lower my hoodie for the pic, and I was wearing long underwear.

I have to say I wasn't all that impressed, it had beautiful scenery and incredible views, but it was so large that it didn't seem real, it looked as though the background was painted. Plus I am an inherent snooper, but there was no way in hell I was going past the boundary fence in this place, and I wasn't going to pay for a 3 day hike to the bottom either, even if I were alone.

We got a hotel room in Williams, a small town about thirty miles from the canyon, my wife bartered the clerk from 91 dollars to 61 dollars and upgraded our rooms to king size beds for the same price. God love her.

Tomorrow we are off to a town called Sedona the in laws recommended it. Tomorrow is another day.

Scott Goerz

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Arizona Day 1

It was the first time in Arizona for me, as we got close I could see the Grand canyon from the little window in the plane, it looked like a large crack with a smaller crack inside of it and yet a smaller crack inside of that. To me the crack was exactly like one you would see on a sidewalk with little smaller ones branching off from the main one, except the Grand canyon is on a massive scale.

I was also very surprised to see a ski hill and snow of all things, as my understanding of Arizona was that it's supposed to be hot, there was snow on the ground too, and mountains. My envisioned trip here was supposed to be flat earth for as far as the eye can see, it appears my understanding of this place has been very flawed.

We landed in Mesa city, which was our actual destination, very close to Phoenix in fact. Going through the airport after landing was probably one of the best experiences I have ever had when dealing with an airport. We had to go through one door, and we were in baggage claim then we were outside after another set of doors.  No line up, no crowds, no security check, just off the plane and out the doors. It was probably 15+  degrees Celsius.

We rented a car, a Mazda 6 and I have to say I was impressed yet again, it's like a sporty sedan and much nicer than the junker I thought we would be driving. Before we hopped into the rental we took pictures of any and all damage as the company did not go through any sort of damage checklist. Then we turned on the GPS and my wife and I headed to her parents trailer park.

Another surprise, this trailer park is not like the slum areas in Alberta, I was expecting a trailer park boys type of scenario, but this is a gated community, meaning manned security gates to enter the premises. See where I'm going with this? The trailers are not mansions by any stretch, yet they are cozy little places that are inexpensive and secure if you wanted to be a snow bird on the cheap.

My wife's mother has a friend who lives right across the road from her, but she is sick in the hospital, she offered up her place to us! It's like having a full kitchenette hotel room with three TVs for free for a week. This lady has never met us, ever. The kindness of others is truly astonishing sometimes.

Today we are off to see the Grand canyon from the ground, and we are being told we need to have winter jackets and mittens...What?!?  Guess we will see what the day holds and let you know tomorrow.

Scott Goerz

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Tired Of Being Ripped Off

My wife and I have decided to visit her parents in Arizona this week, we decided that we would try a new airline service called swoop. We went online and found the price for the flight reasonable. And proceeded to go through the checklist on the site.

It was an odd process,  with certain things not clearly explained, especially for a new site and new service. For instance, it asks you if you want to have a carry on bag and if you do it costs extra depending on the size. But what it doesn't explain clearly is that you are allowed a carry on bag for free if it's not larger than a laptop case or purse, maybe even a school backpack.  I must have read through that part of the agreement at least 20 times. We didn't pay for a carry on and thank god we didn't, even though we were worried  and unsure if we had understood correctly when we got to the airport.

The next issue was seat selection,  they want you to prepay for your seat, and they keep trying to put the fear into you by saying that you won't be able to sit next to your loved ones if you don't prepay for your seat. We got fooled on this one and prepaid for our seats when we didn't have to.  There is hardly anyone on this plane, and after we were all loaded on, the pilot informed us we could sit where we wanted.

While waiting in the airport to board our plane, an advertisement was broadcast continuous over the intercom, telling us to download the swoop app for live entertainment via internet before we boarded the plane, as we would not be able to download it after we were in the air. I briefly thought about it but decided against it, because I hate giving out my email and getting spammed for the rest of my life because of a one time use.  Beside I have my laptop and books and whatnot, I don't need the internet all the time. If you had kids I imagine you might download the app. 

After we were in the air I did look to see if the internet worked and found out it was 7 dollars per hour per device! Holy Mother Of God. There was a dude sitting in the isle next to me with two tablets his phone and a laptop all on the internet that he and his wife were using. That's 28 dollars per hour people, we were on a three hour flight! That's just about 90 dollars, and this couple had to fly back too so let's add another 90 bucks on top of that, 180.00 dollars for 6 hours use of the internet. Ridiculous.

Here is my version of how this should work, you buy your plane tickets, everything is included, a drink, the internet, assigned seating, and a carry on bag.  Easy and simple.  Once word gets out more people will use it as a service.  Using sneaky underhanded phrasing, hidden fees, and bullshit prices, for things that you are asked to pay for, using a scare tactics is just a horrible business model.

People like simple when it comes to traveling, There is nothing worse than getting ripped off before you even leave your country.  It's a heads up to all you other travelers out there.

Scott Goerz

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Historic Events In Our Lifetime

We had a rotary phone growing up, it was tethered to the wall by cord, and to use it we had to pick up the phone and listen first to see if it was being used by our neighbors, it was called "The Party Line" Sometimes while we were in the middle of a conversation someone would interrupt our conversation saying they needed the phone.

Our tv sets had round knobs in which you had to get up and physically turn to go to another channel, and there were two of them VHF and UHF if I remember correctly. They also had antennas on the top in which you had to adjust to get a better picture, the signal was streamed through the airways.

A few years later we had push button phones and and televisions, soon after that remote controls so we didn't have to leave our couches.  The first Historical event I remember was a commercially made video game called Pong, it had two dials one left one right, and each dial moved a digital paddle up and down to block a square ball that moved across the screen, much like air hockey. It was black and white on screen and not very graphically appealing but it was the first video game sold commercially.

Computers were another moment in history that I was there for, the first ones that came out usually had a dark green screen with light green letters and you really couldn't do much unless you knew how to program. But we did and look where we are now.

At this point technology expanded immensely and quickly. Cable tv came out, better TV's, better computer screens, mice for the computers, cameras, and then the most incredible thing followed it. The Internet. Nobody really knew what it was for, except that if you knew what to do you could download free music, well, steal it was more correct. The internet is probably one of the most historical events in history.

Moving forward, the next biggest thing I remember was the terrorist event 9/11.  I remember seeing it on a tv in a motel while I was working out of town and thought it looked like cool movie coming out, not knowing what had happened. Everyone was terrorized after that and security for everything went nuts and still is in my opinion.

A few other tidbits of history, a president was caught getting a bj by his secretary, a not so intelligent business man got elected for president. Bombings happening all over the world, some school shootings, the Hubble space telescope, End of the world Y2k event.

There has been quite a few over the years but maybe in the future we might see: The first quantum computer, Humanoid robot assistants, flying taxi's, A manned mission to mars, a cure for cancer, anti aging technology, non invasive surgery, programmable nano bacteria that lives in you body and fights off any and all ailments. A fully realized holodeck, spaceflight airlines, and no more long distance fees from any carrier.

Scott Goerz

Monday, December 10, 2018

Everything Electric

There is a huge global epidemic that is present at this moment, its called Global Warming.  Everyone is up in arms saying that the combustion engine and the mining of coal and fossil fuels is to blame and we need to eradicate it and move towards a cleaner system that does not make pollution.

Enter electricity, we can get free power from the sun, however to build these free energy capturing devices is not free or cheap. After we have captured this energy where does that go? Into a battery of course, which brings us to our newest dilemma.

 Batteries require large quantities of assorted metals and minerals in their manufacturing process. These materials are often mined, produced, and transported at great expenditures of money and energy, leaving behind a significant environmental footprint. Use and consumption of these resources also produce waste, contributing to the environmental impact.

 One of the primary components of electric vehicle battery anodes is graphite. Graphite mining often generates toxic fugitive dust and requires corrosive chemicals like hydrochloric acid to process it into a usable form. Currently, graphite is mainly sourced from China, while synthetic graphite is produced in the United States as a byproduct of oil refining.

 While running electronic devices and cars on batteries seems to be a cleaner solution than burning gasoline and other fuels for their operation, there is still an environmental impact associated with the production of these batteries.

So while everyone is on the battery bandwagon and trying to curb global warming it seems they haven't taken the battery production into consideration, they are not aware of the processes involved.

In every single electric vehicle I have seen, I have not come across one with a solar powered external shell, and it seems odd that this has not been incorporated into the design yet. I also think that there should be mini turbines that get spun while the vehicle is in motion to help generate extra electricity as well.  My only conclusion is that these companies want you to pay for recharge stations, much like refueling your current vehicle. 

We still have a long way to go to curb global warming, and its not going to be any faster when you have greed and monetary gains getting in the way.

Scott Goerz

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Less Is More

I remember eating at KFC in my younger years, the chicken had a bit of spice that you could taste with each piece, the famous 11 herbs and spices recipe tasted delicious.  If you happen to eat there now the chicken is almost bland and just tastes greasy now.

KFC isn't the only culprit of this change of tastes that has happened over the years other restaurants have done the same thing, even the large expensive to eat at restaurants have changed their recipes, such as the Keg or Tony Roma's. The food does not taste as good as it once had.

One could say that the prices have gone up, and therefore the food chain industry has been using fewer spices to save money, but shouldn't that be included in the price of the meal itself? You used to be able to buy a hamburger meal for under ten dollars, now at some places it's over 20 dollars for the same meal and you are getting less than before. The meat on the burger is smaller and it has less seasoning on it. 

Pizza is another area where they have gone the less is more route as well.  Most pizza you buy now has a paper thin crust, and you can see through the slices of meat if you were to hold up any of the four pieces that came with your order, and it costs twice as much as well.  You have to really search to find a good pizza place.

The less is more movement has happened everywhere, bags of chips to chocolate bars, frozen food to the cuts of meat, we have been getting less and paying more, and nobody seems to care, we all just continue on our daily routine like cattle moving back and forth from place to place.

What can we really do about it? Complain to the food industry? Send letters to the food standards commission?  I'm sure some people do, but it will never make a difference unless the majority does it. It's the case with anything that society does not like, in every group there are a few whiners, and that is completely normal, but when everyone is upset that when things really start to change.

Scott Goerz

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Bucket List

After my sister read my blog the other day she posed a question to me that I really hadn't put much thought into, she asked me if I had a bucket list.  I have always thought of the bucket list as in the movie and not exactly a plan to experience things in life.  The idea of it is really good and it would give you something to strive for.

I have unrealistic ambitions, and I'm cheap, both of those things will be hindrances on the whole scheme of things when it comes to writing up a bucket list. For instance, the thought of space travel has always intrigued me, traveling through the galaxy and seeing different planets and life forms is wholly unrealistic and will never happen for me in my lifetime. If I wanted to put it into more of a realistic dream then I would say that experiencing weightlessness would be a lot closer to my grasp and it is also something that is feasible and obtainable.  I imagine it would also be extremely expensive, and I'm not about to throw my hard earned money away on a thrill.

While the bucket list seems like a good idea, a disturbing thought occurred to me, what happens when you finish your bucket list?  Lets say you finish it way earlier than you thought possible,  what happens at the end?  Do you get to die in peace?  Is your reason for living over?  Do you make a new bucket list? 

With those types of questions in my mind I can't help but ask why even have a bucket list at all?  Next week I am off to Arizona with my wife to visit her parents, while we are there we are going to go see the Grand Canyon, and do some sight seeing. I have never really wanted to see the Grand Canyon, but I think it will be an interesting experience none the less. 

I'm leaning towards not having a bucket list, and instead, how about just trying new things in general?  Doing new things also with a completely neutral attitude, I'm not going into something new with the idea already in my head that I'm going to love it or hate it, I'm going into it to see what happens with an open mind and accept whatever happens, be it good or bad.

Having a bucket list does give you something to strive for, but it also limits you as well, it could prevent you from experiencing something completely foreign and unknown.  When you make a path for yourself you rarely want to stray off it.

Scott Goerz

Friday, December 7, 2018

Been There, Done That

When I was growing up there was always something new to see or do. A new tv show or movie to watch, a new activity to do like go carting, or swimming at a water park. New friends to meet and new places to visit.

As a kid I could watch the same show a hundred times, and watch it a hundred more if it was my favorite. I used to love going to the park and playing a game called don't touch the ground tag, it involved jumping from one piece of equipment to the other and if someone saw you touch the ground you became the person who was the new tagger .

After hundreds of tv shows and movies, hundreds of games, as many trips to someplace new as I can remember, it all slowly began to change as I grew up. The things I used to love doing were starting to lose the excitement that I loved.

The same plot line for tv shows and movies, the same playground game finally lost its allure. Going to new places was getting boring and uneventful, the same trees in a different location, similar views, the same experiences, all of everything I used to love was getting boring.

I find it difficult to get excited about anything anymore, and the things I would look forward to I can't do because I can't afford it. So I sit in mediocrity, going through the motions of an activity but finding them less and less enjoyable.  I'm not sure what to do to entertain myself.

The price of aging isn't only getting older, it's more responsibilities that I have to worry about, my pets at home, my wife's happiness, road conditions, health of friends and family, work, and the consequences of my actions to myself, getting hurt doing something fun yet stupid does not happen anymore.

I feel like I have seen almost everything I have wanted to see, I own the things I have always wanted, and I have done almost everything I have wanted to do.  So I sit on the edge of not knowing what to do next, I am at an impasse of indecision and boredom. I imagine if I were to have children I could want something for them instead of myself.  I don't think about these thoughts very often, I do not enjoy self pity, from myself or anyone I know.

So as I stand here on the precipice of my achievements and can't help but wonder what is there to look forward to?  I haven't done everything by far, nor do I want to. I am satisfied with what I have achieved so far but I am waiting for the next thing even though I don't know what it is.  As long as it's new, I know for a fact that I won't be saying "Been there, Done that".

Scott Goerz

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Things That Fit

Electronics are everywhere, and a new device or machine comes out every few months for us to purchase. With every new device is of course a new cord of some sort to charge that device when it gets low on power.  First it will have one end that fits into the device and the other end usually is a USB type that can be used in multiple USB compatible machines or plug ins.

I would have to say that 90 percent of the time I go to insert a USB into it's slot, I usually have the damn thing upside down or it is the right way but its not lined up perfectly and I end up flipping it the other way and it won't go in.

Why the hell is this the standard model for a USB slot?  Any secret agent in a movie has no problem inserting a USB, they do it perfectly every time with no problems at all. We don't live in a movie, and in our reality it is a frustrating thing to deal with.

The U in USB stands for universal, it is the furthest from universal in my opinion and the design of the stupid thing needs to change, make it so you can insert it in any direction and with ease, to truly make it live up to the name Universal Serial Bus.

This is not the only type of plug in that is frustrating to deal with, most phones and tablets have a different type of charging port/ serial bus as well. Then you have gaming systems, GPS devices, GoPro Cameras, and a whole bunch of other devices that all have different cords and plug ins.

Could there not be a system in place so that all cords are the same when you have to insert them into a device?  I must have over a hundred cords in my house that are in a box in the basement, most of them I have no idea what they are for, or for which device they belong to, but I'm scared to throw any out in case I need one for something.  Some of these cords are rare and you can't buy them anymore, because the plug and the port are so different from anything else out there.

If most cords all had the same ends this would not be a problem, as you could interchange any cord with another one.  All printer cords could be the same, All handheld devices could be the same, all laptops and so on. This would keep some of the junk in our landfills out of it, as well as having a tangled junk cord box in your basement a less likely thing.

Scott Goerz

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Too Nice

Sometimes you have to stand up for yourself, for what you believe in, your morals, and for common decency.  Some of us tend to let other walk all over us, and we justify this action as being nice.

If you dislike confrontation at any level, then you would be a person that doesn't let anyone know if something is bothering you.  I do understand that sometimes the confrontation isn't worth it.  Some people are looking for an argument, for a conflict, and these people are usually the bully type of people.

Standing up for yourself builds confidence, especially when you are feeling like an injustice has been made. If someone wrongly accuses you of stealing you definitely should defend yourself.  There are people out there that will accept the accusation and say they performed the crime because they will not confront the accuser.

There are smaller things in life that we constantly shrug off because we don't have the time or patience to deal with it, we convince ourselves that it's not a big deal and life goes on. You are doing yourself a huge disservice every time you let this happen.  If you are standing in line and someone buds in front of you, if you are in a grocery isle and somebody is blocking the way with a cart and you don't say anything,  if someone is making fun of you in a public setting among your peers, then it's up to you to take a small step and say that what is happening isn't right.

You don't have to get angry to voice your opinion, a simple "excuse me" or "I don't appreciate those comments", is all you need to do to let someone else aware of your displeasure and hopefully they get the hint.  If they don't you can decide if you want to take things further and make a stronger point. 

You will feel better about yourself if you take a few small steps standing up for yourself, be nice but not too nice.

Scott Goerz

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Online Anonymity

When we go online, our names are usually our real names, and our profile is actually who we are.  We are accountable for our actions, and for any posts we send out for all to view.  There are many profiles out there that are fake, and these people don't have to worry about the things they say or the people they hurt.

I think you should have to somehow prove who you are, and even if you have a hundred different online names they should all lead right back to the person using them.  It is so easy to make a fake online profile, make up a name, look online for any address, decline giving out your phone number, and Viola! You are now someone else.

Once you are a different person and completely anonymous, you are free to terrorize, or stalk, bully, and lie to whomever you like.  You can go troll other people and sites at your leisure with no consequences for your actions.  If you get blocked because of it,  you simply make another fake profile and continue on with your attack.

There should be no more online anonymity, it has been taken for granted, and it has been severely abused and used as a weapon.

Everyone should be responsible for their actions online, as well as offline. Why should our kids be able to be bullied online with no ramifications from a hidden attacker?  Why should a pedophile get to pretend to be a young child so they can manipulate an innocent child into doing something that could harm them?  Why should you be able to fall in love with a fake profile on a dating site, only to have your heart broken after you have found out it was all a lie?

We have to have a license and registration to drive a vehicle because vehicles are dangerous and can be used as a weapon in the wrong hands. Can you imagine the anarchy we would have with vehicles if no one was accountable for their actions?  The internet is becoming a dangerous monster of a device, it can ruin your life, cause others to commit suicide, allow criminals to research dangerous plots, has fake news everywhere and some of it quite dangerous if you are naive enough to try some of the bad advice given.

There needs to age appropriate levels in which you can use the internet, a child can't go into a store and buy an adult magazine, but they can go online and watch the raunchiest pornographic video that would shock any adult.

There needs to be age levels for appropriate use of the internet as well as some way to verify that it is actually you that is using it.

Scott Goerz

Monday, December 3, 2018

Being Attractive

Being attractive is more than looking a certain way, sure nice clothes help and for girls a little  make up is a good touch as well but that is only your outward appearance, there is so much more to being attractive than what you see on the outside.

What sort of person do you want to be? Do you want a long term relationship, or a one time fling? This depends on the availability you put out to the opposite sex.  You can be available but don't be needy. Show interest but don't be willing to do anything the other person suggests.  Stand your ground be confident in your actions, if you feel hesitant at all in a certain situation then say so, and don't let anyone convince you that you should do something you don't want to do.

No pressure.
After you have met someone and you really like them and can't wait to see them again give them one simple phone call or text and leave it in their hands to respond back to you. Don't send out 20 messages in a day asking where they are or say how much you like or miss them. This shows the other person that you seem desperate, it's annoying and surely a relationship killer.

If you have had an argument and now are in fear of losing the other person don't panic and try to buy or sex the person back into your life. This is also an act of desperation and it will backfire in your face. I have seen a lot of guys take their lady out shopping and offer to buy everything she glances at in a desperate attempt to win her heart back. Women offering to have sex all day to win their guys back is also an act of desperation.  These actions don't fix the problem you had in the first place, and it will rear it's ugly head back into your lives unless you deal with it directly.

Respect each other, always, as the two of you are the most important thing in each others lives.  I have seen couples swear at each other when they get upset, they call each other the most hurtful names and accuse the other person of doing unspeakable acts. Don't swear or curse each other out, have respect for each other in every circumstance.

Have your own activities that you do without your partner, get away and go out with the guys or have a girls day out. This allows you to appreciate your partner by letting you miss and think of the other person when they aren't around, it also lets you talk with your friends and see how their relationships are going and get advice from each other.

Scott Goerz.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Our Selfish Selves

We all have this internal mechanism that kicks into gear whenever our lives are in danger. Its called self preservation. It's a normal and natural response that most living things have.  But some of us have adapted this type of save your self attitude even though they are in no danger and no threat to their life is apparent.

It's more or less a selfish attitude that puts you into the center of the universe, you have no care what happens to anything else unless it affects you directly.  Littering when and where ever you are is a good example, you don't want garbage in your vehicle so you throw it out the window for others to clean up, you empty your pockets as you walk down a mall letting the debris scatter along the floor.

You park in handicap spaces, or so close to someone else's vehicle that you block their entry to their vehicle while giving yourself lots of room to get out. You are a huge mooch, and rarely offer to pay for others, expecting them to pay your way, you always want to get something for nothing in return.

You lie constantly, and never keep your word when it is given. There is always an excuse for not being somewhere after committing yourself to repay a favor.  You do the absolute bare minimum of any task that has to be done, say at work or even at home.

The only way you would help anyone was if were to directly affect you in in some positive way where you would get something for your actions.  It's never your fault, someone or something else is to blame for any bad thing to happen to yourself.

We let this happen, we allow these types of people in this world, we allow ourselves to be used and taken advantage of, because there are good people out there that don't step up for themselves and call out intolerant behavior.  We allow it to uphold our version of a nice person. But this is a topic for another day.

Scott Goerz

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Ghosts And The Dead

I have talked to quite a few people who 100 percent believe in ghosts, they believe that a person's soul stays behind after they die because it has not finished something and wants to stay.

If I sit and think about the existence of ghosts and the possibility of life after death I come up with horrifying ideas and other possibilities that seem so absurd to me that I cannot put a belief like that toward the supernatural.

Imagine if you died, as in today, and after you died a piece of you that was aware of what happened stuck around to contemplate what was going on.  You would be invisible and nobody would know you were still around, you could see and hear everything but unable to interact with anybody. You might be able to knock over a book or send a chill down someone's spine but that would be about it.

Think about what a lonely and terrible existence that would be, no one to talk to, never sleeping, never eating, nothing to do ever except roam around viewing other peoples situations with no possible way of helping. That sounds like it would be hell, and you'd get to do it for all eternity.

Even if someone noticed you, say like a ghost hunter, or scientist of some sort, they would be more interested that they actually found a ghost instead of trying to understand why you were there in the first place.

I will not believe that of all the people I have loved and lost, some of them might be out there floating around endlessly and lonely for all of eternity. I am sure that when you die there will always be some sort of unfinished business left behind, I believe this statement is true for everyone.  If you end up leaving this world, I hope it's done in the most peaceful way possible and you have not left a piece of yourself behind.

Scott Goerz