I grew up in a generation of having to phone a company to talk to a person in order to get what I want, or if I needed information on something. If I wanted a phone line installed or a gas hookup, I had to call these companies and talk to a real life person. Here we are in 2019 and for the majority of these types of services we have to deal with them with an online presence.
I hated and still despise using the internet to apply for a service that I need for my business or for personal use. I still call companies because for the most part, I don't want to have to sift through pages and pages of text to find the information I am looking for, I want answers sooner than later, and I used to be able to get those answers by talking to a person in the know.
Here is the problem in this day and age: If you wanted to get information on your cell phone service by calling the company directly, be prepared to wait up to at least an hour before you even get to talk to someone. Problem 2: When you finally do get to talk to an actual person, their accent is so terrible that you can barely understand them, and they also have a very hard time understanding you as well.
Problem 3: The person you are talking to might be able to speak the language fluently, but does not know his or her job very well, and after 20 minutes of trying to explain to them what you are looking for they decide to transfer you to another person, then you have to confirm your identity and explain your problem all over again. This endless loop could go on forever until you get fed up and quit.
I keep hearing about robots taking our jobs, and people are scared that this could be a reality sooner than later. Here is what I say to that, If you have a job but are too lazy to learn what you are supposed to do or only do the bare minimum then you deserve to lose your job, you are not good at it and you cannot help people, why should you get paid for that? If an artificial intelligent robot can do the job that you can barely do, and do it to a customers satisfaction then I am all for it.
This isn't only when talking to someone on the phone, this is in person, face to face in a department store. Home depot is terrible for this, people there have no idea what is going on or where things are. They walk around aimlessly and are nowhere to be seen when you need help. If by chance you do happen upon someone, they go about doing exactly what you would have done if they hadn't helped you, they walk up and down the aisles looking through shelves, which is what you have been doing before you asked for help.
Most of the large chain stores have this issue, there are a few that have good service, Costco gets a shout out here.
I find that most of the millennial generation have this problem, they don't know how to work, and couldn't care less. They have no pride in their jobs they do the bare minimum and wonder why they don't get raises. I'm sure companies are starting to see this trend, and if you could put multiple robotic kiosks that also do the bare minimum throughout the store, they could remove the staff and not have to pay wages and benefits, the only thing they would have to pay for is electricity to ruin the devices.
In effect, humanity is kicking themselves out of their own jobs by sheer laziness and carefree attitudes, we are entering a world where talking to another human for anything business related is becoming less frequent.
I'm done ranting for today.
Scott Goerz