I hate politics, I have never followed it, and I don't care about what happens because of politicians, I am a firm believer that there is nothing we can do to stop the stupidity of politics anyway. With that being said, I love watching Trump continuously make a fool out of himself.
From walking from the white house to his plane with toilet paper stuck to his foot, to openly insulting people and then claiming he never said such things even though there is a video of him saying it in multiple occasions, to lying, and basically acting like a large spoiled child, I simply cannot get enough, and I almost always laugh at what the idiot does. I have never enjoyed politics so much.
Other entertainment I thoroughly enjoy, are shows that don't follow the same plot lines that have been used over and over throughout the years, if I have no idea what is going to come next or what might happen, I consider that to be a very clever form of entertainment. I read a lot of novels, and I have watched a ton of shows and particularly like one with a mystery involved, or a Sherlock Holmes feel to it.
Watching this type of media over the years has made me very aware of predictable story lines, and possible endings.
So believe it or not, I watch certain types of anime. Yes, these are cartoon characters, but some of these story lines have a very adult themes to them, and I would not let any child I know watch them ever. Some have so much blood and gore that they put any real life horror movie to shame. The story arc is so unpredictable that it keeps me mesmerized until end, yet somehow it all makes sense.
Of course not all shows are good, and you have to find the type you like, the same with regular television. Maybe this is why I like watching Trump, he is completely unpredictable, and I have no idea how his stories are going to end.
Scott Goerz