After many years of driving there have been times when you'll notice another driver swerving in front of you, and I used to say something like: "They must be drunk" and if the swerving were to get too bad I would call the police and report them before somebody got killed.
Other causes for someone to swerve could be that they are eating, or I would blame it on a woman doing her makeup in the car, or a smoker who dropped his cigarette and was scrambling to find it. I have also been prone to blame an ethnic race, or the elderly, or the two combined, claiming that the bad driver must be an old Chinese lady who has her husband telling her how to hold the steering wheel.
The blame that I used to put out on other people was cleverly abusive but was only used while I was in my vehicle, I think that you are totally allowed to be as mean as you want to be, or racist or whatever you want, as long as you keep it to yourself, and no one hears those terrible thoughts come out of your mouth ever.
Swearing my head off and yelling at another driver is totally ok as long as it stays in the confines of my vehicle. I don't roll the window down so others can hear my lunatic ravings, that privilege is solely for my seats and upholstery, only they will ever know how crazy I am.
The blame has now been shifted from drunk and bad drivers, and it's like it has been forever since I have ranted about any elderly or ethnic group. The blame is now 100 percent on cell phone users.
That guy must be texting, oh look a car in the ditch, they must have been playing on their phone, there are no bad roads or icy conditions, there is no more fog or snow storms, because in my mind, every accident, every slow driver, every bad driver, is related somehow to cell phone use while driving.
Scott Goerz