Monday, July 2, 2018

Maybe We Live Too Long

In the 1800s we lived to about 40 years old on average.  It took a full 100 years after that to live up to the age of 50.  After the 1900s we started to gradually get older thanks to new medicine and surgical procedures. From 1940 to the year 2000 there was a huge leap in how old we could get with the steady evolution of computers that lead to even more new medical and surgical procedures and the mapping of DNA and the human Genome.

I have always been an advocate to living forever, and anti-aging technologies.  Recently, with the steady decline of my own body, I've been wondering if  it would have been better to die at 40.

If you only lived until you were forty your life would have been pretty good, your body would be still be strong, as well as your mind.  You could drift away silently in your sleep and you wouldn't be mess of an old person that forgets everything and everyone.

Things start to happen as soon as you turn 40. Your body starts to deteriorate for some unknown reason.  Your eyesight goes, and new pains and aches come from nowhere.  Your mind starts to slip away and you forget things more often.  Your metabolism slows down and it becomes harder to lose weight.

I have been thinking about the long road from here.  If I live from forty to one hundred that's sixty years.  That means I'm not even at the half way point yet and with a steady decline of my bodily functions and mental stability I can't even imagine what sort of mess I'm going to be in.

That doesn't sound very promising for my future.  There may be a light at the end of the tunnel in the form of my opening sentence.  From 1940 to the 2000s there was a huge leap in the age people were getting from technology. Quantum computers are just around the corner, as well as reverse aging techniques that have shown wonders in mice. 

A mouse that receives the procedure is around 80 years old and after a few days it grows new hair, new muscle, and has more energy.  The scientists claim that it went from 80 years to 20 years within a week.  Obviously this test needs some long term results but there is hope for this technology to be used on humans someday. 

I'm hoping it's before I die, all crippled up, while I drool on myself, while wearing a diaper.

Scott Goerz