Sunday, July 22, 2018

Fae 006

She awoke, covered in dirt and debris, the ground had a perfect indentation of where her body had hit, she looked around without moving and brought her hand to her face, "Damn" she thought" still human" She crawled out of her little crater and looked up at the incredible distance she had fallen, she was amazed that she was standing and barely sore at all." As a dragon I would not have died from that fall but I sure would not be up and walking around already. I'd probably stay where I landed and lick my wounds for a week." The thought soon was over taken by the growling in her stomach.

 She moved to the grass and laid down staring at the sky and she thought to herself "I guess I'm just going to have to climb back up there and finish what I started." She sat up and noticed a little bird that had landed right beside her, then another, and yet another, they hopped around her while pecking the ground seemingly oblivious to her presence. She watched them for a few seconds and then without warning and in one fluid motion she snatched up one of the tiny birds and popped it into her mouth and bit down hard. Immediately she found herself gagging with all the feet kicking inside of her mouth and the feathers that she couldn't chew let alone swallow, and tried to spit the mess in her mouth out, it didn't come out very well at all, at first it was just warm blood and a few feathers, the rest was stuck in there somehow and she had to use her hand to pull the broken and deformed body out and soon she found herself on her hands and knees wretching uncontrollably as she continued to pull the pieces out one by one.

 "Damn disgusting dirty humans!" she screamed in her head "Now I can't even eat!" she fumed, and with that she got herself up and continued to have herself a full out tantrum. She kicked the ground and stomped back and forth shaking her gorgeous red hair on her head back and forth while still spitting out bloody feathers, then with every ounce of her energy she punched the cliff wall, it shuddered and huge boulders started falling from above, the impact where she had hit the wall had jarred them loose, with large cracks that splintered off from the center, she didn't even notice until the first one hit the ground beside her and that's when she looked up. Boulders fell from the sky and she leapt out of the way, left and right then left again she was literally dodging for her life, little bits of rubble and dust fell too, obscuring her vision and at that moment she saw the last huge boulder seconds form hitting her and there was no time to move, all she could do was put her hands out and try to deflect it somehow.

 The boulder hit her full and straight on, she felt her feet sink into the ground an impossible distance but her arms held and they too sunk into the boulder as it cracked and shuddered, all movement stopped and she stood there...motionless, with this huge boulder that should have killed any living thing, held above her head. She was in awe of herself and as she looked to either side she noticed that two of the smaller boulders that she had dodged were pushed into the ground a slight distance and were holding the bulk of the boulder her hands were in, up above her head. They must have prevented the larger boulder from pushing her into the ground completely. She pulled her hands out and slowly walked backwards from the odd sight, it didn't move thank goodness, it seems to be wedged there pretty good. "In the future I shall have to try to control my temper." she surmised.