If you have ever contemplated ending a relationship with someone, you have to had realized by now that there is never a good time for it to happen. My only advice is that you don't do it in the spur of the moment and out of anger.
Most of us don't have the courage or will power to end a long relationship on a whim. We all second guess ourselves and often wonder if we are doing the right thing. If you are not sure if you should or should not break up with someone, ask yourself and be brutally honest if you are truly happy or miserable most of the time.
The excuse that things would be better if the other person would change is just that, an excuse. If they were like that when you met them and years later they are still the same then nothing is going to change them. The only thing you can change is your acceptance for their behavior and if you can't change that then perhaps you can get a new relationship with someone you can accept.
Don't wait until you get so angry you blow up and end the relationship prematurely, particularly if you have been with them for a long time. You need to come to a definite conclusion and be 100 percent sure you are doing the right thing, and have no regrets after the break up has happened.
I have a friend who broke up constantly with his now permanent ex girlfriend, but they broke up about twenty times in a year but ended up getting back together. Each time they fought and broke up, it was based on emotion and anger. It wasn't until they actually were both so tired of fighting all the time that they came to a mutual conclusion that they should end the relationship for good. They even agreed that they didn't want to be friends either.
There is nothing wrong with being emotional but basing fact on emotions will almost always end in disaster. When you are emotional you will sometimes say or do something you don't mean to do.
Scott Goerz