Sunday, July 15, 2018

Fae 2nd part of first chapter

Apparently some of you liked my tidbit of a story so here is a little more.

She looked around the cavern dilating her pupils so that she could use every ounce of light possible to see in every crevasse around her, expecting to find a Seer or sorceress messing with her, she turned her ears to listen for heartbeats or the humans breathing, as she did she released the gas from her stomach, which was extremely poisonous and corrosive to everything but her and was the potent fuel for her fire. 

She let it consume the cavern, after waiting a few moments and glancing at the little statue she still wasn't convinced that she was alone, humans were so sneaky after all, using the bones in her throat she made a small spark which ignited the gas. The explosion that came from that little spark was intense, instantly the gas erupted and blew the top of the cavern clean off, fragments of bone, gold, gems, and among other things, shot out of the main opening and blasted down the mountainside, anyone outside to witness the horrific event would have thought a volcano had just erupted and would have seen it from leagues away.
The smoke started to clear and rubble started to fall from the sky. She was impressed with herself and a little embarrassed too. Perhaps that was a little much, but when it came to humans one could not be too careful. She looked around her once beautiful cavern now completely destroyed by her over zealous cautiousness.

 Her lake was completely evaporated and the spring that fed it was fused shut, never to be opened again. She sighed, and her head hung low, damned bloody humans, she thought. There was no point staying here now she might as well.....her foot hit something as she moved, she looked down only to notice the little statue, standing there upright, still looking at her in defiance. "Impressive"  she thought, she was now starting to have a bit of admiration for the little stubborn human woman statue, she picked it up with her tail and inspected it again this time with more care. She turned it over a few times and noticed some writing on one of the feet of the small statue. 

In all the years of being alive, which was longer than anything else, she had learned to read writing of every kind and even speak a little herself as crude sounding as it was coming from a dragon and all. The letters F A E were etched in the tiny foot and with a low rumbling sound from deep within she spoke them aloud.....Fae.

Sucking in the outside air and storing it in her belly, it mixed with the gas inside making her extremely light. She spread her gargantuan leathery wings and flew off to another one of her lairs with the statue still tightly wrapped in her tail.