Thursday, June 21, 2018


I understand the desire to have a vegetable only diet, that you can't stand the thought of how some animal was tortured and it's meat sold in supermarkets for human consumption.

But what if plants went through the same process?  What would a vegetarian do if they found out that plants feel and know that they are living organisms and felt pain like every other living thing?

Plants don't feel pain, that is the consensus between scientists.  They do experience other human like traits and you can read the article here:

I think the only reason we have vegetarian people is because society is spoiled, we have too much, and don't value what we have been given.  Do you think poor countries that have very little food have vegetarians in them?  If you are starving you will eat almost anything, and no amount of claiming that it's morally wrong will change that fact.

We all need to eat to live, and in this day and age where humanity mass produces everything we need, it seems that the choice to eat only specific types of food is an option because of that very reason. 

I recently was talking to a woman who doesn't eat meat because of the cruelty to animals, but to her it's ok to eat fish?  Do they not grow fish specifically for the purpose of feeding people?  She went on further saying that hunting was acceptable and that humanity should only hunt and eat what they catch. I told her that if we all did that there wouldn't be an animal left on this planet, and we would all have died a long time ago.

I don't have anything against vegetarians and I think it's a nice way of thinking that you are somehow helping an animal out.  Even if I don't agree.  I much prefer the idea that it's a healthier choice of life.

Scott Goerz