So if you have finally made to legal adult status, there are a few things that you should learn that will help expedite your path to a respectable adult status.
First off, you should be fully self-sufficient, meaning you can take of yourself without the help of others. This means going to work and being on time every single day without fail, no excuses that you are sick, or you slept in, or your dog died, or you just don't want to go because you are feeling lazy.
A workplace or job does not care about you, and they will replace you if you are not doing your job to their specifications, too many missed days and excuses will definitely get you fired. If you go to work and put in a little extra effort each day you might find yourself rewarded with a raise or promotion, businesses like workers that do more than they are paid for and are more likely to keep you around.
Find a place and live by yourself, figure out what bills need to be paid and pay them, even if you will be eating bread for the next two weeks. It's better to be hungry than to not have a place to live. It's not that hard to figure out what bills need to be paid and what you can afford with the money that you make, you can find deals and shop thrifty to help save money. If you have some money left try to put some away for later, call it an emergency fund, not the party fund.
If you don't live by yourself and don't figure out how to make it on your own you will always be relying on somebody else to take care of you, if that person ever leaves you or gets into an accident and dies you will be next to helpless because you won't know the first thing about taking care of yourself. Some people literally have nowhere to go because nobody wants a mooch to live with. When you live by yourself it teaches you the value of having your own stuff and how to take care of it, it gives you a sense of pride, it also teaches you to respect other peoples places because you can relate to them.
Be honest, with yourself and other people, I can spot a liar in a few seconds of meeting one and have absolutely no need or desire for those types of people in my life. They bring you down and nobody respects them. If you are honest you will find that others will respect you more and you will have more friends that you can actually depend on.
When I said be honest with yourself, that means owning up to your mistakes that you have made and not blaming everybody else for your problems, you are supposed to be an adult now and blaming everyone else and saying it's their fault is what children do. Own up to your mistakes, tell people that you made a mistake and apologize with full intent on rectifying the situation.
Be responsible, reliable, honest, and take care of yourself, the world is a harsh place, and the only you can decide your fate while you live in it.
Scott Goerz