Thursday, June 28, 2018

Common Sense Classes

You would think that every one would have some common sense in this world today, but it seems that common sense isn't so common.

Putting your hand on a hot stove seems like it should be common sense but it still happens. Going outside in winter with shorts and a tee-shirt still happens.
If you are extremely sick you should see a doctor, this doesn't happen.
Walking up to a wild bear with the intention of petting it, happens all the time. 

Anything that you know could hurt you but you do it anyway.

When I see a kid running down an asphalt road in bare feet or riding a bike while texting on their phone or walking in the middle of the road with headphones in and their head down I cringe and wonder why these kids don't seem to have any common sense.

Adults are just as bad, driving while drinking coffee, eating food and doing their makeup, or parking so close to someone else's door in the parking lot, so they have more room to get out while preventing another driver from entering their vehicle.

I think there should be classes in schools that specifically teach some common sense.  Teach girls what a camel toe is when wearing tight pants. Teach boys that picking their nose wherever they choose is not ok either. 

I suppose it could be a manners and common sense class, as the two seem to go together.  If you have parents that never learned any common sense or manners, you are going to grow up in the same ignorant fashion.

There is a difference to being stupid as opposed to uneducated, there is an abundance of stupid people out there but I think the uneducated ones far outnumber the dumb ones.

In this day and age of information overload is seems that people, now more than ever, are uninformed.

Scott Goerz