Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Just Google It

Say you have a bunch of friends sitting around a table and someone says" Who was that guy in that movie?" Suddenly everyone whips out their cell phones to look for the answer. I'm sure almost all of us has been in a scenario like that and my question is why is it that most people use their phones for this reason but not for other more important issues. If you are on Facebook (and I'm sure most of us are) you will see ridiculous claims on the posts people put up. Eating five lemons a day will cure cancer, rub corn starch and peanut butter on your face to cure acne, pinching a spot on your finger will stop a migraine. Seriously these are all really crazy farfetched ideas that nobody seems to research but people take them as fact and post them on their pages. It makes them (In my opinion) look like idiots and after reading it, I can't take anything they put on there seriously. Honestly just take some time to research that crazy claim before you go ahead and spout it to the world as truth.  The same goes for ridiculous pictures... Look at this house cat that weighs 400 pounds, A picture of bigfoot in downtown Los Angeles, Aliens caught raiding our doghouse. It just blows me away that this sort of garbage gets put on the web and people believe it. I have a friend who was upset with his kids because the dishwater wasn't soapy enough, I asked him " What do you think dish soap actually does?"  He replied " It disinfects germs and stuff." I'm not going to say what I found out with a little research. That's for you dear reader to check out. When and if you do, go to multiple sites and get a consensus on the answer, you might be surprised.

That's all for now, I'm outta here
Scott G.