Saturday, March 24, 2018

Hope for our future? Reverse ageing

What are you really scared of? Monsters, terrorists, murderers, dying? These types of things don't worry me at all, what I'm really scared of is getting old, so old that I can't walk anymore, I lose my motor skills and my ability to hear and see, my skin hangs off my body as it slowly degenerates, my mind looses all memory and anyone I love becomes a stranger and I'm left to live like that. That... is some scary stuff, but maybe there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and maybe that fate can be reversed.

I caught wind of an article a quite few years ago which I thought was amazing and hopeful, it basically stated that ageing could be reversed so that a 70 year old man could be reverted biologically back to a 30 year old. I don't normally take such claims seriously without a whole bunch of scientific evidence to back it up, but as the years passed there have been more and more breakthroughs on this research, right up to the point where I'm actually getting hopeful.

Here is a link:

One of the tests scientists performed, was on a mouse, on administering a peptide to fast-aging mice in regular doses, the researchers were able to reverse age-related conditions, such as fur loss and poor kidney health.

 By blocking FOXO4 with the peptide, the research team has been able to restore programmed cell death, or apoptosis, in senescent cells.Within 10 days, the fast-aging mice began to experience fur regrowth. After 3 weeks, the naturally aged mice began to see improvements in fitness, compared with mice that did not receive the peptide.

Now this is on mice, which are not human and vastly different, but the link I provided states that scientists have started trying the same sort of technique on human cells. This technology could happen in our lifetime and I have to say I am hopeful at best.

Here is looking to the future with hope.
Scott G.