Does it seem like people in this world have less common sense in this day and age? I remember last year, watching a guy trim his hedges by holding up his push lawnmower while it was running, I drove by a woman texting on her phone, eating something, and steering with her knee and I saw a worker on the side of an apartment sitting on a piece of 2x4 that was laid between 2 scaffolds with no harness hardhat or gloves cutting a different piece of of wood across his legs with a skill-saw. How about a worker in a fast food chain pushing the sugar button for a coffee and no sugar is coming out, they did this for about five different coffees before someone complained and a manager had to show her that the machine was empty. Doesn't anyone think for themselves anymore?
I don't know about you but I let people in if they are signaling while I'm driving, I open doors for people, I make sure my shopping cart is out of the way in my lane so others can pass, I wait my turn if I need assistance from someone who is helping someone else, and I'm always aware if I am in the way and if not I apologize and move. This is a common courtesy that I think everyone should follow, however this is not the case, I've seen so many people lost in their own world they bump into other people, sneak into lines, interrupt others while they are talking and act as if they are the most important person on the planet. I think its getting worse with cell phones and technology, all you have to do is look up once and a while and see the world around you.
That it for today folks:
Scott G.