In a world where technology rules our lives, we are all susceptible to the tracking aspect of it. Many of us rail against the idea that we are being monitored, our privacy in jeopardy as the powers that be monitor our location, it can tell where we have been, what we have watched, and what locations we constantly frequent.
There was a big scare a few years back that your smart tv could somehow invade your privacy, and people were concerned about it. Facebook was also targeted as a possible privacy breach, and actually has been proven to be true. Almost all social media traffic sites have an abundance of your personal information, with an agreement in place stating that they will not share your information, but I have personally haven't read it.
In fact, I really don't care one way or the other, track away, go ahead and share my information, I lead a basically normal boring life, and I'm not worried about it. The people who should be worried about it are those people doing something wrong, cheating on their spouse, selling stolen merchandise, pedophiles, bullies.
In a way, tracking people keeps us honest, knowing that your life can be invaded at any time, simply by anyone who has a legitimate reason to request it, or from a loophole in the privacy agreement on a site that you have agreed to. Any government official can also go into any of your accounts if they have noticed suspicious behavior from you.
There is only the illusion of anonymity for the average laymen like myself and most others out there on the world wide web, a few higher end users who know how to use multiple VPN locations and hack into another person's router can truly be hidden from prying eyes.
But if you are like me then you don't have anything to worry about, because you are also not doing anything wrong. Don't get caught up in other peoples worries, because in the long run they will come up with new and inventive ways to keep Tracking Us.
Scott Goerz