Tuesday, February 5, 2019

The Fear Mongering World

Nobody likes change, when we get to that comfortable spot in our lives, and everything is moving along smoothly, why would anyone want to change it?  Its at that point when the fear mongering rears it's ugly head, when you hear that something is coming that is going to ruin your comfort zone.

We fear what we don't know, and I think we should embrace the fear of the unknown, and then overcome it. We have to continue to grow, time waits for no one so if you fear what might be coming next it is going to come whether you want it to or not, you might as well try to embrace it.

A genetic scientist has figured out a way to change the genome of a baby before it is even born, that means the scientist can remove any inherited diseases,  remove the possibility of having an autistic or handicapped child, the scientist could also enhance brain function, and muscle growth, and actually has performed the procedure on one human embryos. He is currently being charged with multiple fines and is having his research taken away. Here is a link:Gene Editing scientist

Now for the record, I don't think what he did was correct or moral, I think for science to really work and push forward, each new technology must proven first.  We can't have an oops and half of the world turns into zombies, or all the plants die. 

But to freak out and cry against new science and technologies, claim it to be against god, or it's immoral and simply wrong, is because these people fear that technology. This scientist is only one example, for every new device or technique that has been introduced in our world there has been people who have rallied against because they fear what is to come.

Most of these fear mongers don't have all the facts and go off of hearsay from others, they don't rationalize, research or try to look at the situation another way, because they are stuck in their comfort zone in life, and they don't want things to change.

Scott Goerz