Thursday, February 21, 2019

Male Abuse?

So it seems that male abuse is on the rise, and it makes sense if you take into account the fact that women are striving to be on an equal footing as men when it comes to life in general.  They want the same jobs, the same roles and responsibilities and the same respect that men garner. Well, they have it.

I have always thought women have had it better than men, they don't have to approach a guy or pay for a date, it comes to them, and they get to pick and choose. A good man takes care of his woman, treats her well and generally goes out of his way to make her happy. Women do this as well, but being a guy I know it doesn't take much to make me happy, food and intimacy if you boil it down.

I never really took physical abuse from a woman to be an issue in a male and female relationship, guys are generally stronger and can defend themselves without fighting back if need be, but I just read a story the other day when a woman poured boiling water over her boyfriend because he upset her, this woman was hell on wheels, and he put up with her for quite some time before he finally had enough and told police what was happening.

I always thought it would be the psychological manipulation in a relationship, a woman could easily beat her spouse down with mental abuse, deny intimacy, never be happy with anything that he does and constantly is nagging him to do more and be better, but he will never live up to her expectations.

This is what the world is becoming, or that's what this world is and has been for a long time, the only difference is, that now, guys are just starting to come forward and tell their side of the story.  Why is it so hard to be nice to each other?  And if you don't like where you are in life then it's up to you to change it.

Scott Goerz