Sunday, August 11, 2019

Climate Change, after the war on carbon

Climate change is a thing,  after it was first conceived that the planet was heating up due to increased carbon emissions, and the skeptics were put in their place, the world seems to be in agreement that radical changes need to happen in order to halt and reverse the problem.

Having the whole planet agree and work together to solve a problem is an excellent start to future endeavors that involve working together instead of fighting and warring against one another. But while the world is working towards a common goal, I'm wondering if we aren't overlooking another possible outcome for everyone's futures.

Look past cooling the planet, and imagine that we have finally come to that day when we are celebrating the fact that the earthlings have stopped global warming and the planet is cooling off. We have skyscrapers that scrub carbon from the air as it passes by, cars that are fully autonomous using only electricity, lab grown meat that doesn't put methane and carbon gasses back into the atmosphere from livestock feces. We have a complete solar and wind generation system in place that goes above and beyond any and all energy needs that the population demands and the earth continues to cool.

How do we stop the cooling? Are we going to enter into an new type of climate change where we have global cooling due to the future engines put in place to cool the planet, a second ice age?  How would we stop it?

Reintroduce coal, oil, and gas factories? Bring back gas powered engines? Essentially regress back to a system that was the cause in the first place?  As a species we need to continually move forward in order to progress into a future society and going backwards is never an option. I hope the scientists of the world realize this could be an outcome from all of our cooling efforts and they have a plan for total equalization of our atmosphere, a balance of the perfect temperature.

Scott Goerz

Monday, July 22, 2019

Epic Physics, Undiscovered Hypothesis

There is a type of physics that most of us are familiar with, and instead of going through them all I am going to simply call them "World Physics"  which involves thermo, nuclear, gravity, force and mass, mechanical and all other physics that we can see, hear, feel and touch.

The second type of physics is quantum physics, it's the type that is in the microscopic realm, and we can't see or feel its forces, yet we can observe them with computers and microscopes. We are just starting to apply those new found types of physics into modern life. A Quantum computer has been built, and an entangled signal that uses no radio signal or wires to transmit, is being developed.

I have a hypothesis on a third type of physics, and it is my belief that if there is my current 2 types of physics World and Quantum, then there is probably more types that we don't yet know about.

A third type of physics which I am going to call "Epic Physics" is based on the unfathomable size of the universe and the rules it must follow to exist the way it does. If we were on the outside of the universe looking in, we might be the quantum size to that viewer,  To them, black holes are a normal occurrence when galaxies form, and are needed for stability. The universe has its own physics that we are not aware of yet.

The physics of the universe as a whole must be different than our worldly or quantum physics and thusly the current physics that we currently use cannot fully explain the many occurrences and unknown happenings in deep space that are currently baffling scientists, such as dark matter, tachyon particles, and super massive black holes.

Everything we have discovered in science follows a complex set of rules for them to work synchronously together as a whole. Where does the microscopic meet standard size? Where does standard size meet the universal?  There is a change in physics the smaller we search and therefore it stands to reason that the same must be true when we search to the unfathomably large, such as the universe and beyond. 

Scott Goerz

Friday, March 8, 2019

365 Days Later, The End Of My Blog

It has been an interesting journey, I have written 1 blog a day for three hundred and sixty five days in a row without fail, which has been my goal from the beginning, even though I have wanted to quit many times.  The amount I have learned along the way has been a unique eye opening experience and I have new skills that I've earned on my journey.

I remember having all these ideas in my head at the beginning, with new ideas coming in every day, but after a month of writing everyday my infinite idea train came to a slow crawl, and I had to constantly think about five or six topics daily to try to stay ahead of the game, so I had something to write about in the future.

As I wrote each blog, my typing skills, spelling, and error checking got better and I have been practicing typing without looking down.  I have researched so much information on the net that I am beginning to feel like a professional investigator, weeding out the lies from the truth while searching for proof that backs up my articles.

At the beginning there were not that many people that read my blog, but before I knew it I had over a hundred views a day, until I came across an article on how to make money on your blog with advertising, which was a feature offered by "Blogger" the media app I decided to write blogs on.  As soon as I got the advertising up and running my blog went from 100 people a day to 10 people a day and has stayed there ever since. My advertising made me a whole whopping 2.06 that's two dollars and six cents over 5 months, not worth it. 

I would like to thank my sister Kim, and my wife Kimberly who have been my biggest fans and has supported me from the beginning, sharing my blogs daily even if she didn't read them or agree with the topic, my other sister Leigh did quite a lot as well, but not as much as her sister. I appreciate their opinions and efforts that they contributed.

And to my friends, Ben, Dean, Francis, Jason, and my cousin Dana who read my blogs on a daily basis as well, I don't have any info on what they shared but I did get feedback from them at times which was very much appreciated.

I started this because I thought I had something to contribute to the world, some really good ideas that I hope helped some people out or perhaps had an impact on how they looked at the world.   Some of my most popular posts were:

It was a good experience in my opinion, to set yourself a goal and follow through with it to the end, and make sure you give yourself and end date, how else will you know that you have completed your task?

Now after 365 days of brain straining to write something, I am going to take a much needed break for awhile, but don't worry, I will come back from time to time to voice my unusual opinion on the events that really hit close to home for me. It won't be every day but it will be on occasion.

Thank you again everyone who has supported me.

Scott Goerz

Thursday, March 7, 2019

School Is No Substitute

School is no match for experience, and the smartest A plus honor student who has memorized every procedure can't hold a candle to someone who has been a hands on expert for most of their life.

Some things just can't be taught in a classroom, and while you might know protocols and procedures that have been indicated in your textbook, it might be a completely different scenario once you encounter problems with hands on experience.

Someone who has never been to school and has learned from their peers at a young age has an advantage over the college graduate. Hands on experience at the job, a social group that they can call upon for advice, different ways to combat varying degrees of temperature changes which affects their worksite, which is something you will never learn in school. 

I have never been impressed with a new worker at any job who constantly lets me know their grades and how smart they are, the proof is in the pudding, or put your money where your mouth is, and most importantly, don't tell me how much you know and how good you are, show me instead.

School is the basis for a job or career that you want to enter into, and it has it's merits but in my opinion, experience is the best teacher.  There is, however, one problem that a long term career oriented person tends to obtain, is the lack of being able to change their ways. Learning to do tasks only one way for 40 years tend to do that.

Figuring a way to do something that has never been explained in a book takes a certain type of brain, and someone who has been at the same job for 20 plus years obviously has that type. If you can learn something from someone else and make it even better with your own ideas then that is your own personal type of genius and something for which School is No Substitute.

Scott Goerz

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

A Smarter Future

There was a time when people used to think that flying in an airplane was impossible, the brilliant minds back in that era had dictated that man was not meant to fly and therefore a waste of time to study how to do it.  With some imagination and a lot of failed attempts the Wright brothers figured out how it could be done, despite all the negative and nonbelievers that told them it was impossible.

This type of reaction to any type of technology still goes on in this day and age, and I have to wonder why there are scientists and researchers out there that still claim all manner of things that could be possible, impossible.

The reason we study history (so I'm told) is to learn from our mistakes from the past and not to repeat them in the future, or the present.  If this is the case then why don't those intelligent people understand that we can figure out how something could be done even if we don't know how to make it right now.

I think one of the reasons is hubris, if you take a particularly proud person, who has had success in their life, but they can't figure out a problem, they simply claim it can't be done to save face, they can't admit that they aren't smart enough to figure it out, and lose the respect of their peers.

People said that we would never have an untethered phone line, that we would always have to be plugged in to a wall socket. Space flight would never happen, there would never be a computer small enough for a house (They used to fill warehouses). We could never cure aids, measles, or chicken pox.

There are some things that we have overcome and thrived and there are some things that we haven't overcome...Yet.  I believe that all things will be possible with dedication, trial and error and the biggest thing, time. 

Cancer will be cured, as well as all diseases related to old age, surgeries will no longer leave scarring, the common cold will be gone, children will be born without abnormalities and be perfectly healthy. Spaceflight will take a huge leap with some sort of warp drive or wormhole generator. 3D printing with be able to make a perfect replica of any body part, Ageing where you look like a wrinkled prune and have the mind of an infant will be eradicated and no longer an issue. 

I believe these things will happen at an even faster rate if we stop saying something can't be done and to keep trying without giving up.  I'm looking forward to A Smarter Future.

Scott Goerz

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Nobody Is Innocent

Innocent until proven guilty by a court of law, right?  This is how law works in this country, everyone is deemed innocent first.  What a stupid concept.  Everything is reported these days, from people who are not fact checkers, but are instead, chronic gossipers, people spreading rumors like sprinkled sugar and we eat it up.

The people of this country will decide who is innocent or guilty, and the court of law can do nothing about it.  If someone in your community is suspected of being involved in a rape investigation, even if they are completely innocent, they will be judged guilty if a finger is pointed in their direction as a possible subject.

Everyone jumps to conclusions, and if you don't particularly like someone to begin with it will be much easier to judge them as guilty before you even hear any evidence. Who out there has been the perfect person and never made a mistake or been bad?  Anyone, ever?  No, yet we are so eager to point the finger and accuse others when we ourselves do not have the right to do so.

By the same token, a man is caught on camera robbing a bank, the people in the bank recognize him as the robber, the police catch him in the bank red handed and in the act of a criminal activity, they get him out of the bank and into the police car and they call him a suspect. That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. No court, no jury, do not pass go and go directly to jail, that is what should happen in that case. There is no doubt in anyone's mind, that this guy is guilty.
When proof is needed however, we have to very careful who we single out as a suspect while pointing possible fingers. Simply being suspected of a crime will force you to move to a different country after your peers have judged you.  Being accused of being a pedophile I think is probably the worst thing that could happen to you, even if you are innocent.  Nobody will talk to a suspected baby raper, you will lose your job, friends, and possibly the community will band together to bring you and your family harm.  Even if you have done nothing to deserve it.

That is what this world has come to, the over inflated false claims of media and untrue tales from gossipers who want attention. Be careful who you point a finger at, because one day it could be you who is accused, and to the whole world around you, Nobody Is Innocent.

Scott Goerz

Monday, March 4, 2019

Public Space Flights

Spacex is a new company trying to privatize spaceflight, they build their own rockets and ships, free from government interference and NASA.  This company wants to take the average person into space if that individual can afford it.  If you or I had the money, would we go and experience it?

I have always wanted to experience the weightless that being in space provides, that and to see our beautiful blue planet from outer space.  Before I did that I would want certain aspects of the experience to be fine tuned first.  There is a certain amount of thrust you need to break out of the earth's gravity and into orbit, the G force apparently is incredible and a normal person would black out when he or she was subjected to it without proper training.

Then we have the problem of being in space if we have made it successfully into orbit, the space station. Despite what you may think, the station itself is pretty small, you are basically in a long tube surrounded by delicate electrical panels, wires, and hoses. There are no extra sleeping quarters or private washrooms.  There is a fine dust that is always floating around with you, and it will be inhaled with every breath, that dust is actually dead skin cells, or maybe beads of sweat from other people. They have to constantly clean the space station manually every day for their own health. Imagine 5 new lazy ass tourists coming to stay for few days.

Maybe Spacex needs to start building a hotel first, before deciding to take non astronaut participants with a lot of money, up to the station for a visit. This trip sounds like a nightmare at the moment and not a very fun experience and the worst is yet to come.

When you leave the station and have to come home, you get to do it in the same way as every other astronaut, free fall through the atmosphere in a burning fireball before you land in the ocean, hopefully with everything in working order, especially your GPS for the company to be able to find you.

There is a lot of work to be done if they are planning it to eventually be public. For it to viable they are going to need to have the trip be a smooth ride there and back, a place to stay where I'm not huddled together with 7 other people in a tube, and an almost 100 percent safety guarantee or some incredible safety specs.  If you lose power on a ship on the water, someone can come help you, if it happens in space, you are on your own.

I think they are ahead of themselves, and Spacex needs to do a lot more before anyone will be going on a Public Space Flight.

Scott Goerz