Monday, July 22, 2019

Epic Physics, Undiscovered Hypothesis

There is a type of physics that most of us are familiar with, and instead of going through them all I am going to simply call them "World Physics"  which involves thermo, nuclear, gravity, force and mass, mechanical and all other physics that we can see, hear, feel and touch.

The second type of physics is quantum physics, it's the type that is in the microscopic realm, and we can't see or feel its forces, yet we can observe them with computers and microscopes. We are just starting to apply those new found types of physics into modern life. A Quantum computer has been built, and an entangled signal that uses no radio signal or wires to transmit, is being developed.

I have a hypothesis on a third type of physics, and it is my belief that if there is my current 2 types of physics World and Quantum, then there is probably more types that we don't yet know about.

A third type of physics which I am going to call "Epic Physics" is based on the unfathomable size of the universe and the rules it must follow to exist the way it does. If we were on the outside of the universe looking in, we might be the quantum size to that viewer,  To them, black holes are a normal occurrence when galaxies form, and are needed for stability. The universe has its own physics that we are not aware of yet.

The physics of the universe as a whole must be different than our worldly or quantum physics and thusly the current physics that we currently use cannot fully explain the many occurrences and unknown happenings in deep space that are currently baffling scientists, such as dark matter, tachyon particles, and super massive black holes.

Everything we have discovered in science follows a complex set of rules for them to work synchronously together as a whole. Where does the microscopic meet standard size? Where does standard size meet the universal?  There is a change in physics the smaller we search and therefore it stands to reason that the same must be true when we search to the unfathomably large, such as the universe and beyond. 

Scott Goerz